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Blog / 10 Ways To Get Off A Medical School Waitlist

10 Ways to Get Off a Medical School Waitlist

Written by Seza on Apr 12, 2024

10 Ways to Get Off a Medical School Waitlist

Receiving a waitlist notification from a medical school can evoke a mix of emotions, from hope to uncertainty. While it signifies that you are considered a competitive applicant, it also presents a challenging path. Understanding why you’ve been waitlisted and knowing how to strategically improve your chances are crucial steps in this process. In this article, we’ll explore ten ways to increase your likelihood of transitioning from a medical school waitlist to an acceptance letter.


Understanding the Dynamics of Medical School Waitlists

  • Importance of Waitlists in the Admissions Process

Medical school waitlists play a crucial role in managing the uncertainty surrounding the number of accepted students who will ultimately enroll. Waitlisted candidates are typically considered strong contenders, offering valuable diversity and talent to the incoming class.

  • Factors Contributing to Waitlist Placement

Waitlist decisions are influenced by various factors, including application timing, candidate competitiveness, and the school’s enrollment needs. Understanding why you’ve been waitlisted can provide insights into areas for improvement and guide your approach to securing acceptance.


Strategies for Waitlist Success

  • Follow School Instructions and School Policy

Every medical school is different, so before you do anything, carefully examine the school’s policy surrounding waitlists and follow the instructions listed in the school’s correspondence with you. When a school provides instructions, they expect them to be followed. If the school tells you not to contact them, don’t contact the school. If they instruct you not to send follow-up materials, don’t bombard them with mail. If a school recommends you improve an aspect of your application, do so. Do not lose focus at this crucial time and try to focus on the next steps.

  • Be Available and Ensure Your Contact Information is Accurate

Don’t miss out on a chance of acceptance due to your email or phone number being out of date! Schools are required to provide students with two weeks to consider their offer of acceptance before the end of April, but after that, medical schools won’t give as much notice—you may only be given a few days. If you’re not checking your email regularly during this time, you could miss out on your chance to get off of the waitlist.

Keep your contact information up to date and check your email frequently throughout the day. If you’re particularly busy during this time or away from your phone and computer, ask a trusted friend or family member to check your email for you throughout the day.

  • Send a Well-crafted Letter of Intent

Crafting a persuasive letter of intent for a medical school waitlist can significantly influence the admissions committee’s decision. This letter serves as a testament to your unwavering commitment to accepting the medical school’s offer above all others.

Consider this letter as your final opportunity to showcase yourself and highlight why you and the program are a perfect fit. What aspects of the program do you admire the most? What excites you the most? How do you uniquely contribute to the school’s community? Additionally, emphasize any updates or improvements you’ve made to your application since your initial submission.

Moreover, if you’ve received acceptance offers from other schools, you can adopt a more assertive approach in your letter of intent. Inform the admissions committee that despite other offers, their program holds a special place in your heart, emphasizing your genuine interest and commitment.

  • Enhancing Your Application

Additional letters of recommendation, recent publications, and improved grades or test scores can significantly enhance your candidacy and may sway the admissions committee in your favor. If permitted by the program, update letters inform admissions committees of any recent advancements in your qualifications and reaffirm your dedication to securing acceptance. Have you achieved any milestones since submitting your medical school application? Have you made enhancements to specific areas of your application? These updates can substantially bolster your chances of acceptance, so you should keep programs informed.

However, it’s essential to exercise discretion and only send an update letter if you have pertinent updates to share. If there haven’t been significant improvements to your application or noteworthy achievements, refraining from sending an update letter is advisable.

  • Manage Your Correspondence Wisely

Let’s reiterate an important point: if the program explicitly states not to contact them, it’s crucial to respect their request and refrain from reaching out. However, if you’re permitted to maintain communication with the program, it’s essential to space out your correspondence thoughtfully. You want to avoid appearing overly eager or desperate, yet you also don’t want to give the impression of disinterest. Think of it as finding the right balance, akin to the art of seduction. You aim to convey passion without crossing into obsession, striking a delicate equilibrium. Maintain regular but measured updates about any significant developments in your application. Plan a schedule for relevant communication, ensuring that you stay on the radar of the admissions committee positively and respectfully.

  • Networking and Engagement

Engage with the medical school community through campus visits, open houses, or virtual events. Building relationships with current students, faculty, and admissions staff can demonstrate your genuine interest and commitment to the institution.

  • Preparing for Multiple Outcomes

As you work towards securing acceptance from the waitlist, it’s important to be ready for other possibilities. Think about creating backup plans, like reapplying in the future or seeking out relevant experiences that can enhance your qualifications.

  • Seeking Guidance and Support

Consult with mentors, advisors, or professional consultants to navigate the complexities of the waitlist process. Their insights and expertise can help you strategize effectively and maximize your chances of securing acceptance.

  • Maintain Resilience and Optimism:

Navigating the waitlist process can pose challenges, demanding patience and determination. Maintain a positive outlook and concentrate on aspects you can control, like ongoing self-improvement and proactive communication. Have confidence in your abilities and stay dedicated to your goal.

  • Embrace Growth and Learning:

Regardless of the outcome, view the waitlist experience as an opportunity for personal and professional growth. Reflect on your journey, identify areas for development, and embrace the lessons learned along the way. Every challenge presents an opportunity for growth and resilience.


In conclusion, navigating the complexities of a medical school waitlist demands strategic planning and resilience. Understanding the dynamics of waitlist placements and enhancing your application with relevant updates can significantly bolster your candidacy. Remember to stay optimistic, focus on areas within your control, and view the waitlist experience as an opportunity for personal and professional growth. Regardless of the outcome, your journey through the waitlist process can cultivate valuable skills and resilience for your future in the medical field.

You can always rely on Jack Westin experts if you have questions about any aspect of your medical school application. Check out our admissions services and choose a package that best suits your needs. 

 Good luck on your journey to becoming a doctor!

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