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Blog / All You Need To Know MCAT Biochemistry Lab Techniques

All You Need to Know: MCAT Biochemistry Lab Techniques

Written by Seza on Sep 17, 2024

All You Need to Know: MCAT Biochemistry Lab Techniques

Feeling overwhelmed by the complex world of biochemistry lab techniques and their relevance to the MCAT? You’re not alone! This comprehensive guide is here to empower you with a clear and simplified understanding of these crucial concepts. We’ll demystify the importance of lab techniques within the MCAT, breaking down complex processes into easily digestible steps.  You’ll gain a thorough overview of key techniques frequently encountered on the exam, ensuring you’re well-equipped to tackle challenging questions with confidence. So, whether you’re a visual learner seeking clear explanations or simply want to solidify your understanding of these essential topics, this guide is your one-stop resource for mastering biochemistry lab techniques and acing the MCAT!

MCAT Biochemistry Lab Techniques: High-Yield Terms

Gel Electrophoresis

  • Agarose gel: Used for large DNA molecules (>500 bp).
  • Acrylamide gel: Used for smaller molecules like proteins and small DNA fragments.
  • Electrophoresis buffer: Conducts electricity within the gel.
  • Loading dye: Adds color and density to samples for visualization during loading.
  • Marker: Sample containing DNA fragments of known sizes, used to determine the size of unknown samples.
  • Resolution: The ability of the gel to separate closely sized molecules.
  • Denaturing gel: Contains detergents (e.g., SDS) to disrupt protein structure and separate based solely on size.
  • Native gel: Maintains protein structure for separation based on a combination of size, charge, and shape.

Blotting Techniques

  • Membrane: (e.g., nitrocellulose, nylon) Captures transferred molecules for detection.
  • Blocking agent: Prevents non-specific binding of molecules to the membrane.
  • Probe: A molecule (e.g., antibody, labeled DNA/RNA) specific to the target molecule.
  • Secondary antibody: Binds to the primary antibody (specific to the target molecule) for signal amplification (used in indirect ELISA and Western blotting).
  • Conjugate: A molecule linked to a reporter (e.g., enzyme, fluorescent tag) for signal generation.
  • Chemiluminescence: Light emission is used for detection in some blotting techniques.

DNA-Based Techniques

  • Deoxyribonucleotide triphosphates (dNTPs): Building blocks for DNA synthesis, each linked to a different fluorescent label for Sanger sequencing.
  • Polymerase chain reaction (PCR): Thermal cycling process for amplifying specific DNA sequences.
  • Primer: Short, single-stranded DNA sequence complementary to the target region for initiating DNA synthesis in PCR.
  • cDNA (complementary DNA): DNA copy synthesized from an mRNA template using reverse transcriptase.

Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA)

  • Antigen: The molecule being detected by the antibody.
  • Antibody: A protein that specifically binds to an antigen.
  • Capture antibody: Binds to one region of the target molecule, immobilizing it on the plate.
  • Detection antibody: Binds to a different region of the target molecule, allowing for signal generation.
  • Direct ELISA: Uses a labeled antibody specific to the target molecule.
  • Indirect ELISA: Uses an unlabeled primary antibody and a labeled secondary antibody.
  • Sandwich ELISA: Utilizes both a capture antibody and a detection antibody for enhanced sensitivity.

Molecular Biology Techniques

  • Restriction enzyme: Cuts DNA at specific recognition sequences.
  • DNA ligase: Joins DNA fragments together.
  • Plasmid: Circular DNA molecule used as a vector for cloning.
  • Transformation: Introduction of foreign DNA into a host cell.
  • Competent cells: Bacterial cells capable of taking up foreign DNA.

Centrifugation & Chromatography

  • Rotor: The spinning component of the centrifuge that holds the samples.
  • Relative centrifugal force (RCF): A unitless measure of centrifugal force experienced by the sample.
  • Supernatant: The liquid remaining after centrifugation, contains lighter components.
  • Pellet: The solid component formed at the bottom of the tube after centrifugation, containing denser components.
  • Stationary phase: The solid material within a chromatography column where separation occurs.
  • Mobile phase: The liquid that carries the sample through the chromatography column.

See Also: Mastering MCAT Biochemistry: Essential Topics and Concepts

MCAT Biochemistry Lab Techniques Practice Questions

Question 1 

A researcher isolates a novel protein and wants to determine its amino acid composition. Which technique should the researcher employ?

  • (A) Edman Degradation
  • (B) Affinity Chromatography
  • (C) Bradford Assay
  • (D) Western blotting

Answer: (A) Edman Degradation is a technique used to sequentially determine the amino acid sequence of a protein or peptide.


  • Affinity Chromatography: Separates molecules based on specific interactions with a ligand.
  • Bradford Assay: Colorimetric assay for protein quantification.
  • Western Blotting: Detects specific proteins using antibodies, primarily used after protein separation by gel electrophoresis.

See Also: Amino Acid Cheat Sheet

Question 2 

A researcher wants to study the interactions between two proteins, X and Y. The researcher obtains two antibodies: one that binds specifically to protein X and one that binds specifically to protein Y. Which of the following techniques would be most appropriate for studying the potential interaction between X and Y?

  • (A) Mass spectrometry
  • (B) Ion-exchange chromatography
  • (C) Co-immunoprecipitation
  • (D) Size-exclusion chromatography

Answer: (C) Co-immunoprecipitation (Co-IP) is a technique used to study protein-protein interactions.


  • Mass spectrometry: Identifies and quantifies molecules based on their mass-to-charge ratio.
  • Ion-exchange chromatography: Separates molecules based on their charge.
  • Size-exclusion chromatography: Separates molecules based on their size.

Question 3 

A researcher has a plasmid containing a gene of interest and wants to introduce this gene into a large number of eukaryotic cells. Which technique would be most appropriate?

  • (A) Electroporation
  • (B) Heat shock transformation
  • (C) Lipofection
  • (D) Microinjection

Answer: (C) Lipofection is a technique particularly suited for transfecting large numbers of eukaryotic cells with DNA.


  • Electroporation: Used for bacterial and some eukaryotic cell types
  • Heat Shock Transformation: Primarily used for introducing DNA into bacteria
  • Microinjection: Introduces DNA into single cells, not suitable for large-scale transformations.

Question 4 

Which of the following situations is an appropriate application of gel filtration chromatography?

  • (A) Isolating a protein from cell lysate based on its specific charge.
  • (B) Separating a mixture of proteins ranging in size from 10 kDa to 150 kDa.
  • (C) Studying the binding interactions between a protein and a small molecule ligand.
  • (D) Detecting the presence of a specific protein in a complex biological sample.

Answer: (B) Gel filtration chromatography allows separation based on molecular size.


  • (A) Ion-exchange chromatography is better suited for isolating a protein based on its charge.
  • (C) Affinity chromatography is preferred for isolating components based on binding interactions.
  • (D) Western Blotting is used for specific protein detection.

Question 5 

A researcher is studying a protein’s three-dimensional structure. Initially, the protein is obtained as a soluble component in a cell lysate. Which of the following techniques would be a necessary first step to prepare the protein for structural analysis?

  • (A) Restriction digest
  • (B) DNA sequencing
  • (C) Column purification
  • (D) RT-qPCR

Answer: (C) Column purification is essential for isolating and purifying the protein before structural analysis.


  • Restriction digest: Cuts DNA for cloning but not suitable for protein work.
  • DNA sequencing: Determines DNA sequence, irrelevant for protein studies.
  • RT-qPCR: Used for analyzing gene expression at the mRNA level.

See Also: Separations And Purifications – MCAT Content

Question 6 

A researcher wants to compare gene expression profiles in cancerous cells vs. healthy cells from the same tissue. Which of the following would be the most appropriate FIRST step?

  • (A) RT-qPCR
  • (B) Mass spectrometry
  • (C) RNA extraction
  • (D) cDNA synthesis

Answer: (C) RNA extraction is essential for isolating mRNA before any downstream analyses are possible.

Question 7

A researcher wants to quantify the concentration of a specific protein in a cell lysate. The researcher has a commercially available antibody specific to the target protein conjugated to an enzyme (HRP) that generates a colored product when reacting with a specific substrate. Which of the following techniques is most suitable for this experiment?

  • (A) Western Blotting
  • (B) ELISA (Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay)
  • (C) Affinity Chromatography
  • (D) Co-immunoprecipitation

Answer: (B) ELISA


  • Western blotting is used for qualitative protein detection, not quantification.
  • Affinity chromatography isolates specific proteins but doesn’t directly measure their concentration.
  • Co-immunoprecipitation is used to study protein-protein interactions and doesn’t involve quantification.
  • ELISA utilizes an antibody-enzyme conjugate and a chromogenic substrate,


Gel Electrophoresis

Gel electrophoresis is a powerful and widely-used laboratory technique for separating biomolecules based on key properties: size, charge, and shape. Understanding this technique is crucial for the MCAT, as you’ll likely encounter questions related to its principles, applications, and interpretations.

Basic Principles

Separation Mechanism

Gel electrophoresis works by utilizing an electric field applied through a gel matrix. The gel acts as a sieve, with pores of varying size. When a mixture of biomolecules is loaded onto the gel and the electric field is applied, the molecules migrate through the gel pores at different rates.

Factors Affecting Migration

  • Size: Larger molecules encounter greater resistance within the gel pores and thus migrate slower compared to smaller molecules.
  • Charge: Molecules carry electrical charges (positive or negative). The applied electric field attracts oppositely charged molecules, causing them to migrate towards the opposing electrode.
  • Shape: Streamlined molecules experience less resistance compared to irregularly shaped ones, impacting their migration rate.

Types of Gel Electrophoresis

Several variations of gel electrophoresis exist, each tailored for specific types of biomolecules:

SDS-PAGE (Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis):


  • Most common type for protein separation.
  • Uses SDS detergent to denature proteins (break down their structure) and coat them with a negative charge proportional to their size. This eliminates the influence of native charge and shape, allowing separation solely based on size.

Reducing SDS-PAGE:

  • A variation of SDS-PAGE that additionally uses a reducing agent to break disulfide bonds within proteins. This ensures complete denaturation and allows separation based solely on size, even for proteins with complex structures.

Native-PAGE (Native Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis):

  • Used to separate proteins in their native state (undisrupted structure).
  • No denaturing agents are used, so separation occurs based on a combination of size, charge, and shape.

Isoelectric Focusing (IEF)

  • Primarily used for protein separation.
  • Employs a pH gradient within the gel, where the pH varies from acidic to basic. Proteins migrate through the gel until they reach a zone with a pH equal to their isoelectric point (pI), at which point they have no net charge and stop migrating.

Blotting Methods

Blotting techniques are powerful tools used in biochemistry to identify specific molecules within a complex mixture, often after separation by gel electrophoresis. They play a crucial role in various research and diagnostic applications, and understanding them is essential for the MCAT.

Basic Principles

  1. Sample Transfer: Following separation (e.g., by gel electrophoresis), the molecules of interest are transferred from the gel onto a membrane (often nitrocellulose or nylon). This membrane allows efficient binding of the molecules while maintaining their spatial arrangement. 
  2. Blocking: The membrane is then treated with a blocking agent to prevent non-specific binding of other molecules during subsequent steps. This ensures specific detection of the target molecule. 
  3. Probe Binding: A probe molecule, specifically designed to identify the target molecule, is applied to the membrane. This probe can be: 
    • Antibody: Specifically binds to a unique region (epitope) of the target protein (Western Blot).
    • Labeled DNA fragment: Complementary in sequence to the target DNA (Southern Blot).
    • Labeled RNA fragment: Complementary in sequence to the target RNA (Northern Blot).
  1. Detection: The bound probe is then detected using various methods, often employing secondary antibodies or enzymatic reactions that generate a signal (e.g., chemiluminescence). 

The signal intensity at specific locations on the membrane indicates the presence and quantity of the target molecule at corresponding locations in the original mixture.


Types of Blotting

  • Western Blot: Used to detect specific proteins in a mixture. The probe used is typically an antibody labeled with a detectable tag. This technique allows researchers to identify and analyze the expression levels of specific proteins in various tissues or cell samples. 
  • Southern Blot: Used to detect specific DNA fragments in a mixture. The probe used is a labeled DNA fragment complementary to the target sequence. This technique is valuable for identifying genetic mutations, diagnosing inherited diseases, and studying gene expression patterns. 
  • Northern Blot: Used to detect specific RNA molecules in a mixture. The probe used is a labeled RNA fragment complementary to the target sequence. This technique allows researchers to analyze the expression levels of specific RNA molecules in different tissues or under varying conditions. 

See Also: Gel Electrophoresis And Southern Blotting – MCAT Content

DNA-Based Techniques

DNA analysis plays a crucial role in various fields, including medicine, forensics, and research. Understanding key DNA-based techniques is essential for the MCAT, as you’ll likely encounter questions related to their principles, applications, and limitations.

DNA Sequencing via Sanger Method

Purpose: Determines the precise order of nucleotides (A, C, G, T) in a DNA molecule.


  • DNA samples are divided into fragments.
  • Each fragment is replicated in the presence of:
    • DNA polymerase enzyme to build new DNA strands.
    • Deoxyribonucleotide triphosphates (dNTPs), building blocks (A, C, G, T) with different fluorescent labels.
    • Terminators: These lack a 3′ hydroxyl group, halting DNA synthesis at specific points.
  • Fragments are separated by size using gel electrophoresis.
  • Shorter fragments migrate faster and reach the detector first.
  • The order and color of fluorescent labels reveal the sequence.

Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)

Purpose: Amplifies a specific DNA sequence exponentially, creating millions of copies from a minute sample.


  • Template DNA: The DNA fragment to be amplified.
  • Primers: Short, complementary DNA sequences flanking the target region.
  • DNA polymerase: Builds new DNA strands complementary to the template.
  • Thermal cycling: Repeated cycles of temperature changes:
    • Denaturation: High temperature separates the double helix.
    • Annealing: Primers bind to complementary sequences on the single-stranded DNA.
    • Extension: DNA polymerase extends the primers using free dNTPs.
  • Each cycle doubles the amount of the target DNA, resulting in exponential amplification.

See Also: Function In Transmission Of Genetic Information Bio – MCAT Content


Types of PCR

RT-qPCR (Real-time quantitative PCR)


  • Measures the amount of amplified DNA in real-time.
  • Used for quantifying gene expression or detecting pathogens.

cDNA Library

  • Creates a collection of complementary DNA (cDNA) from a cell’s mRNA.
  • Reverse transcriptase enzyme converts mRNA (RNA) to cDNA (DNA).
  • Valuable tool for studying gene expression and identifying unknown genes.


Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA)

The enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, or ELISA, is a versatile and widely used technique in various fields, including medicine, research, and agriculture. 

It plays a crucial role in detecting and quantifying the presence of specific molecules, typically antigens or antibodies, in a sample. Understanding ELISA is essential for the MCAT, as you’ll likely encounter questions related to its principles, variations, and applications.

Basic Principles

  1. Solid-phase Immobilization: The target molecule (antigen or antibody) is attached to the surface of a well in a microtiter plate. This attachment allows for subsequent washing steps to remove unbound components. 
  2. Blocking: Similar to blotting techniques, the plate is treated with a blocking agent to prevent non-specific binding of other molecules during subsequent steps. 
  3. Detection: This involves a series of steps depending on the type of ELISA: 
    • Direct ELISA: 
      • A labeled antibody specific to the target molecule is added. This antibody directly binds to the target on the plate.
      • The bound labeled antibody is detected using the attached label (e.g., enzyme).
    • Indirect ELISA: 
      • An unlabeled antibody specific to the target molecule is added and allowed to bind.
      • A labeled anti-antibody (secondary antibody) specific to the first antibody is added. This binds to the first antibody already bound to the target molecule.
      • The bound labeled anti-antibody is detected using the attached label.
    • Sandwich ELISA: 
      • A capture antibody specific to one region of the target molecule is coated onto the plate.
      • The sample containing the target molecule is added, allowing it to bind to the capture antibody.
      • A detection antibody specific to a different region of the target molecule is added. This binds to the target already bound to the capture antibody, forming a “sandwich.”
      • A labeled anti-antibody or directly labeled detection antibody is used for detection.
  4. Quantification: The signal intensity generated by the label (e.g., enzyme activity or fluorescence) is measured and directly correlates with the amount of the target molecule present in the original sample.

Types of ELISA

  • Direct ELISA: Simplest and fastest, but requires a labeled antibody specific to the target molecule.
  • Indirect ELISA: More sensitive than direct ELISA due to amplification by the secondary antibody.
  • Sandwich ELISA: Most sensitive type, as it utilizes two specific antibodies for target capture and detection.

See Also: Function Of Enzymes In Catalyzing Biological Reactions – MCAT Content

Molecular Biology Techniques

Molecular biology techniques form the foundation of genetic engineering and manipulation, allowing scientists to study, modify, and clone genetic material. Understanding these techniques is crucial for the MCAT, as you’ll encounter questions related to their principles, applications, and potential limitations.

Basic Principles

These techniques generally involve:

  • Isolation and purification of DNA molecules from various sources (e.g., cells, tissues).
  • Manipulation of DNA using specialized enzymes (e.g., restriction enzymes, DNA ligases) to cut, modify, and join DNA fragments.
  • Introduction of foreign DNA into a host organism or cell for replication and expression.

Molecular Cloning

  • Purpose: Creates copies of a specific DNA fragment or gene.
  • Steps:
    1. Restriction enzyme digestion: The DNA fragment of interest and a vector (e.g., plasmid) are cut with specific restriction enzymes, generating DNA fragments with complementary overhangs.
    2. Ligation: The DNA fragment and vector are joined together by DNA ligase, forming a recombinant DNA molecule.
    3. Transformation: The recombinant DNA molecule is introduced into a host organism (e.g., bacteria) through methods like heat shock or electroporation.
    4. Selection: Host cells that successfully take up the recombinant DNA are selected and grown, resulting in clones containing the desired DNA fragment.

Bacterial Transformation

  • Purpose: Introduces foreign DNA (e.g., recombinant DNA) into bacterial cells.
  • Methods:
    • Heat shock: Briefly exposing bacteria to a high temperature increases their cell membrane permeability, allowing DNA uptake.
    • Electroporation: Exposing bacteria to short electrical pulses creates temporary pores in the cell membrane, facilitating DNA entry.


These techniques have diverse applications in various fields, including:

  • Production of therapeutic proteins (e.g., insulin)
  • Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) for agriculture
  • Research on gene function and disease models

Centrifugation and Chromatography

Understanding separation techniques is crucial for the MCAT, as they play a vital role in purifying and analyzing biological molecules like proteins and nucleic acids. 

This section delves into two key techniques: centrifugation and chromatography.


  • Purpose: Separates particles based on their size, density, and shape using a centrifugal force.
  • Principles:
    • A sample is placed in a rotor and spun at high speeds.
    • Centrifugal force pushes heavier and denser particles outward, while lighter and less dense particles remain closer to the center.
    • By controlling the speed and duration of centrifugation, different components can be selectively separated.

Types of Centrifugation

  • Differential centrifugation: Repeatedly centrifuges the sample at increasing speeds, progressively separating particles of different sizes.
  • Density gradient centrifugation: The sample is layered onto a medium with a gradually increasing density gradient. Particles migrate through the gradient at different rates depending on their density, separating into distinct bands.


  • Purpose: Separates mixtures based on different interactions between molecules and a stationary phase within a column.
  • Principles:
    • A mobile phase (liquid or gas) carrying the sample solution flows through a column containing the stationary phase.
    • Different molecules interact with the stationary phase to varying extents, impacting their flow rate through the column.
    • Molecules with stronger interactions elute (come out) later, achieving separation.

Types of Chromatography

  • Gel Filtration Chromatography (Size Exclusion Chromatography): 
    • Stationary phase: Porous beads with defined pore sizes.
    • Separation principle: Larger molecules are excluded from the pores and flow through faster, while smaller molecules enter the pores and take longer to elute, resulting in size-based separation.
  • Ion-Exchange Chromatography: 
    • Stationary phase: Beads with charged groups.
    • Separation principle: Molecules with opposite charges bind to the stationary phase, while those with similar charges flow through faster. Varying the ionic strength of the mobile phase can elute bound molecules, achieving separation based on charge.
  • Affinity Chromatography 
    • Stationary phase: Specific ligands (molecules) immobilized on the beads, designed to bind a target molecule with high affinity.
    • Separation principle: The target molecule specifically binds to the ligand, while other components flow through. Elution conditions are tailored to release the target molecule specifically.


Spectroscopy Techniques

Spectroscopy techniques are powerful tools used to analyze the properties of molecules by measuring their interaction with various forms of energy, like light or electricity. 

UV-Vis (Ultraviolet-Visible) spectroscopy analyzes how molecules absorb or scatter light in the ultraviolet (UV) and visible (Vis) regions of the electromagnetic spectrum.


  • When light interacts with a molecule, specific wavelengths (colors) of light can be absorbed, causing the molecule to enter an excited energy state.
  • The remaining light is transmitted or scattered and detected by the instrument.

Applications in Biochemistry:

  • Quantification: By measuring the amount of light absorbed at a specific wavelength, the concentration of a molecule in solution can be determined. This is particularly useful for studying proteins, nucleic acids, and other biomolecules that absorb characteristic UV light.
  • Identification: Comparing the unique absorption pattern (spectrum) of a molecule to known standards can aid in its identification.
  • Monitoring reactions: Tracking changes in the absorption spectrum over time can provide information about the progress of a reaction involving biomolecules.

Mass Spectrometry (MS): Principles and Applications in Biochemistry

Mass spectrometry (MS) determines the mass-to-charge ratio (m/z) of molecules, providing valuable information about their composition and structure.


  1. Sample ionization: The sample is converted into charged particles (ions) using various methods like electron impact or electrospray ionization.
  2. Mass separation: Ions are separated based on their m/z ratio, typically using a magnetic field or electric field.
  3. Detection: The abundance of each ion is measured and displayed as a spectrum, with peaks corresponding to ions with specific m/z ratios.

Applications in Biochemistry:

  • Identification: By comparing the m/z values of unknown molecules with known databases, their identity can be determined.
  • Protein characterization: MS can be used to determine the molecular weight of proteins, identify post-translational modifications, and analyze protein complexes.
  • Metabolite analysis: MS is valuable in studying metabolic pathways and identifying small molecules present in biological samples.

See Also: Nmr Spectroscopy – MCAT Content


Quantitation Techniques

Quantitation plays a crucial role in biochemistry, allowing researchers to accurately measure the amount of specific molecules in a sample. Understanding these techniques is crucial for the MCAT, as you’ll encounter questions related to their principles, applications, and limitations. This section focuses on two key techniques: ELISA quantitation and Western blotting quantitation.

As discussed in a previous section, the core principle of ELISA involves detecting and qualitatively identifying the presence of a specific molecule (typically an antigen or antibody). However, ELISA can also be used for quantitative analysis to determine the concentration of the target molecule in a sample.

Principles of ELISA Quantitation:

  1. Standard Curve Preparation: Known concentrations of the target molecule are used to generate a standard curve. The signal intensity (e.g., absorbance, luminescence) generated by the ELISA is plotted against the known concentrations of the standard samples.
  2. Sample Measurement: The sample containing the unknown concentration of the target molecule is run alongside the standards in the same ELISA plate.
  3. Quantification: The measured signal intensity of the unknown sample is compared to the standard curve. By identifying the corresponding point on the curve, the concentration of the target molecule in the unknown sample can be determined.

Factors Affecting ELISA Quantitation:

  • Specificity of antibodies: Ensure high specificity to avoid detecting non-target molecules that could skew results.
  • Linearity of the standard curve: The standard curve should have a linear relationship between signal intensity and concentration within the range of your samples.
  • Background noise: Minimize non-specific binding and ensure consistent washing steps to reduce background signal and improve accuracy.


Western Blotting Quantitation: Methods and Considerations for Protein Quantification

Similar to ELISA, Western blotting can be used qualitatively to identify specific proteins. However, it can also be employed for quantitative protein analysis.

Methods for Western Blotting Quantitation:

  1. Densitometry: Bands on the Western blot corresponding to the target protein are scanned, and the band intensity is measured using software. This intensity is then compared to a standard curve generated using known amounts of the target protein to determine its concentration in the sample.
  2. Immunofluorescence: Specific antibodies labeled with fluorescent tags are used in the Western blot. The intensity of the emitted fluorescence, proportional to the amount of bound antibody, is measured and used for quantitation through comparison with a standard curve.

Considerations for Western Blotting Quantitation:

  • Loading control: Ensure equal protein loading in each lane of the gel to account for potential variations in sample preparation. This is often achieved by using housekeeping proteins (proteins present at consistent levels in all cells) as internal controls.
  • Antibody specificity: Similar to ELISA, ensure the antibodies used are highly specific to the target protein to avoid measuring unrelated proteins.


Basic Manipulation Techniques

Mastering fundamental laboratory techniques is crucial for success in the MCAT and beyond. This section delves into two key techniques frequently encountered in biochemistry labs: pipetting and centrifugation.

Pipetting: Accuracy and Precision in Pipetting

Pipetting is the process of transferring precise volumes of liquids using a specialized instrument called a pipette. Accurate and precise pipetting is essential for various biochemical experiments, as even minor errors can significantly impact results.

Types of Pipettes:

  • Air displacement pipettes: Utilize air pressure to draw and dispense liquids.
  • Positive displacement pipettes: Employ a plunger mechanism to precisely transfer liquids.

Mastering Pipetting Technique:

  1. Selecting the right pipette: Choose a pipette with a volume range appropriate for the desired volume to be transferred.
  2. Proper tip attachment: Securely attach a sterile tip to the pipette without touching the tip’s interior to prevent contamination.
  3. Priming: Gently expel a small amount of liquid (typically air or water) through the tip to ensure proper function.
  4. Aspiration: Immerse the tip just below the liquid level and slowly press the plunger to draw the desired volume. Observe the meniscus (the curved liquid surface at the tip) and stop at the calibrated marking.
  5. Dispensing: Wipe any excess liquid from the tip’s exterior. Touch the tip to the side of the receiving container and slowly release the plunger to dispense the liquid.

Tips for Accuracy and Precision:

  • Maintain a steady hand: Avoid jerky movements while aspirating and dispensing.
  • Calibrate pipettes regularly: Ensure pipettes are functioning accurately by following the manufacturer’s recommendations.
  • Use appropriate tips: Select tips compatible with the specific pipette model and volume range.


Centrifugation: Principles and Applications in Biochemical Analysis

Centrifugation is a technique that utilizes centrifugal force to separate components within a mixture based on their size, density, and shape. It plays a crucial role in various biochemical analyses, such as isolating organelles, purifying proteins, and clarifying cell lysates.

Principles of Centrifugation:

  • A sample is placed in a rotor and spun at high speeds.
  • Centrifugal force pushes heavier and denser particles outward, while lighter and less dense particles remain closer to the center.
  • By controlling the speed and duration of centrifugation, different components can be selectively separated.

Types of Centrifugation:

  • Fixed-angle rotors: The angle of the rotor is fixed, and the centrifugal force acts at a constant angle on the sample.
  • Swinging-bucket rotors: The buckets holding the samples swing outwards during centrifugation, subjecting the sample to a more gentle, horizontal force.

Applications in Biochemistry:

  • Isolating organelles: Centrifugation at different speeds allows for separating various cellular components based on their size and density, enabling the isolation of specific organelles like mitochondria or ribosomes.
  • Pelleting cell debris: Centrifugation separates cell debris (pellet) from the soluble components (supernatant) in the sample after cell lysis.
  • Purifying proteins: Centrifugation techniques like density gradient centrifugation can be used to purify proteins based on their density and interaction with specific media.

See Also: Complete List of Pre-Med Requirements


This guide has equipped you with a thorough understanding of essential MCAT biochemistry lab techniques. You’ve explored:

  • Gel electrophoresis and blotting techniques: Grasping the principles, types, and applications of these methods is crucial for interpreting experimental data and answering MCAT questions.
  • DNA-based techniques: Understanding core techniques like Sanger sequencing, PCR, and cDNA synthesis is essential for deciphering genetic information and its manipulation.
  • ELISA: Mastering this versatile technique, used for antigen or antibody detection and quantification, empowers you to tackle MCAT questions related to its principles, variations, and applications.
  • Molecular biology techniques: Gaining insights into processes like cloning and transformation equips you to understand how scientists manipulate and study DNA.
  • Centrifugation and chromatography: Exploring these foundational techniques for separating biomolecules based on size, density, and other properties is crucial for interpreting experimental procedures and results.
  • Spectroscopy and quantitation techniques: Understanding how techniques like UV-Vis spectroscopy and Western blotting quantitation aid in identifying and measuring biomolecules strengthens your MCAT preparation.
  • Basic manipulation techniques: Mastering skills like pipetting and centrifugation ensures you possess the practical foundation for performing successful biochemical experiments.

By solidifying your grasp of these fundamental techniques, you’ll be well-equipped to conquer the MCAT and embark on your journey in the field of biochemistry.

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