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Blog / All You Need To Know MCAT Genetics And Evolution

All You Need to Know: MCAT Genetics and Evolution

Written by Seza on Apr 16, 2024

All You Need to Know: MCAT Genetics and Evolution

Genes, the conductors directing the orchestra inside our bodies, play a crucial role in shaping our biological identity. For MCAT students aiming to become medical professionals, a solid grasp of genetics and evolution is essential. This guide aims to simplify the complexities of genetic variation and evolutionary processes, providing key insights and practical knowledge needed for MCAT preparation.

The Significance of Genetics and Evolution on the MCAT

In the vast realm of the Medical College Admission Test (MCAT), genetics and evolution take the spotlight in the Biology section. This accounts for a substantial portion—65% of the Biological and Biochemical Foundations of Living Systems section (Bio/Biochem) and 5% of the Psychological, Social, and Biological Foundations of Behavior section (Psych/Soc). Understanding introductory biology is the cornerstone of MCAT preparation.

While the exact number of questions dedicated to genetics and evolution on the MCAT is unknown, what is certain is their widespread presence across both the Bio/Biochem and Psych/Soc sections. Let’s explore the essential subtopics forming the basis of genetics and evolution.


Basic Terminology

Genetics involves understanding how genes are linked to the physical traits of living beings. 

A. Essential Genetics Terminology

Below are essential terms that you should know in this context:

Term Definition
Genotype The genetic makeup of an organism.
Phenotype Observable physical traits determined by the genotype.
Dominant Describing a trait expressed with just one allele.
Recessive Describing a trait requiring 2alleles for expression.
Homozygous When both alleles for a gene are identical.
Heterozygous When both alleles for a gene are different.


B.  Dominance Patterns of Phenotypes and Genotypes

Phenotypes and genotypes exhibit three main dominance patterns:

1. Complete Dominance:

  • Homozygous Dominant: AA → Expresses “A” Phenotype
  • Heterozygous Dominant: Aa → Expresses “A” Phenotype
  • Homozygous Recessive: aa → Expresses “a” Phenotype

To read more on this topic, check out Jack Westin’s guide on homozygosity and heterozygosity.

2. Codominance:

  • Multiple dominant alleles, allowing expression of two or more gene phenotypes simultaneously i.e white and red cow = roan cow (white red spotted).

3. Incomplete Dominance:

  • Heterozygous genotype results in an intermediate phenotype between the alleles’ coded phenotypes.

C. Population Level

These concepts extend to the population level through two additional terms:

1. Penetrance:

 Percentage of the population expressing a phenotype with a specific genotype.

2. Expressivity:

Wide variability of phenotypes emerging from a single genotype.


Mendelian Genetics: Laws

In the 19th century, Gregor Mendel made significant contributions to our understanding of genetic inheritance by conducting pivotal studies on pea plants. Mendel formulated several laws regarding the heredity of traits, which have undergone refinement and validation through modern scientific discoveries. Many of Mendel’s laws specifically outline the processes that transpire during meiosis, a crucial phase in sexual reproduction where haploid gametes are produced. Mendel’s groundbreaking work laid the foundation for the field of genetics, shaping our comprehension of how traits are passed from one generation to the next. The three Mendelian laws are summarized below:

A. Law of Dominance:

In a heterozygous scenario, where there are two different versions (alleles) of a gene, one takes the lead (dominant), determining the observable trait, while the other (recessive) remains hidden.

B. Law of Segregation:

During the formation of reproductive cells (gametes), alleles of a gene separate, much like cards being dealt into different hands. This ensures variability in the genetic material passed on.

C. Law of Independent Assortment:

When considering different genes, the inheritance of one allele doesn’t impact the inheritance of another. It’s akin to shuffling and dealing multiple decks of cards simultaneously, guaranteeing a fair and unbiased mix of genetic traits.

To learn more on this topic, check out Jack Westin’s Mandelian concepts.


Mendelian Genetics: Inheritance of Diseases

The inheritance of diseases can be classified as either recessive or dominant, with further distinctions based on whether they manifest on autosomal or sex chromosomes. Various inheritance patterns exist, but the focus for MCAT testing is typically on complete dominance.

A. Recessive Inheritance:

Two recessive alleles are necessary for the disease phenotype to manifest. An exception is observed in males with X-linked recessive diseases, where only one recessive allele is required due to their hemizygous nature.

B. Dominant Inheritance:

Only one dominant allele is needed to express the disease phenotype. This pattern contrasts with recessive inheritance, where two copies of the recessive allele are required for manifestation.

Exception to Mendel’s Laws: Linked Genetics

While Mendel’s laws generally hold true, there is one notable exception known as gene linkage, which deviates from the principle of independent assortment.

Linked genes are those situated on the same chromosome in close proximity. Due to their physical proximity, they are more prone to being “paired together” during the crossing-over process, resulting in their joint transmission in the same gamete. This phenomenon contradicts Mendel’s law of independent assortment.

Sex-Linked Genetics: Chromosomes and Traits

In the context of human cells, sex chromosomes constitute one of the 23 pairs, dictating an organism’s sex through the combinations XX (female) or XY (male).

In the male (XY) combination, these chromosomes deviate from homologous, lacking identical gene content.

Sex chromosomes serve as the venue for sex-linked genes and traits. However, the MCAT scope primarily focuses on X-linked genes and traits, emphasizing the expression pattern of complete dominance, akin to autosomal chromosomes.

Nevertheless, the male (XY) combination is distinctive. Males, possessing only one X chromosome, are termed hemizygous. In this specialized scenario, males represent an exception to complete dominance, as a single recessive allele on the X chromosome is adequate for expressing a recessive phenotype.

Punnett Squares: Genetic Probabilities

Punnett squares serve as powerful tools for gauging the likelihood and ratio of genotypes and phenotypes in the offspring resulting from parental mating. These squares come in two types: mono- and di-hybrid crosses.

In a monohybrid cross, the focus is on a single trait or gene, making it a straightforward genetic scenario. On the other hand, a dihybrid cross expands the analysis to involve two traits or genes simultaneously.

Constructing a Punnett square involves assigning letters to the parental gametes along the top and left sides. These letters represent the potential combinations formed by the paternal and maternal parents. The inner grid of letter combinations reveals the possible genotypes of the resultant zygote. This systematic approach provides a clear depiction of genetic outcomes in offspring.

Sample MCAT Genetics and Evolution Questions

Question #1

In a monohybrid cross between two heterozygous individuals (Aa), what is the probability of having an offspring with the homozygous recessive genotype (aa)?

  1. 25%
  2. 50%
  3. 75%
  4. 100%
  • Answer:

  1. 25%
  • Explanation:

In a monohybrid cross between two heterozygous individuals (Aa), the Punnett square predicts that there is a 25% chance of producing homozygous recessive offspring (aa)

Question #2

In a population of birds, there are two distinct color variations – red and blue feathers. Over time, due to environmental changes, the blue-feathered birds become more visible to predators, leading to a higher predation rate. What evolutionary principle is illustrated in this scenario?

  1. Genetic Drift
  2. Natural Selection
  3. Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium
  4. Gene Flow
  • Answer:

  1. Natural Selection
  • Explanation: 

This scenario illustrates natural selection, as the environmental change (increased visibility of blue feathers) favors the survival and reproduction of red-feathered birds, leading to a higher frequency of red-feathered individuals in the population over time.


Question #3

If a population experiences a sudden reduction in size, what evolutionary process is most likely to occur, leading to a potential change in allele frequencies?

  1. Genetic Drift
  2. Natural Selection
  3. Gene Flow
  4. Mutation
  • Answer:

  1. Genetic Drift
  • Explanation: 

Sudden reduction in population size can lead to genetic drift, where random events influence allele frequencies due to the smaller population. This is more likely in scenarios like a bottleneck effect or founder effect.

FAQs: Navigating the Depths of Genetics and Evolution on the MCAT

Is there a lot of genetics on the MCAT?

Yes, genetics is a significant focus, covering chromosomes, inheritance patterns, sex-linked genes, and laws like the law of independent assortment.

Is Evolution Important on the MCAT?

Evolution is crucial, featured prominently in introductory biology, with key concepts including natural selection and speciation.

Is Molecular Genetics on the MCAT?

Molecular genetics is a focal point, covering DNA replication, repair, genetic code, transcription, translation, and mutations.

What is Autosomal Dominant – MCAT?

Autosomal dominant inheritance involves passing down genetic traits when one copy of a mutated gene from a parent causes the condition. In this scenario (parental genotype as Aa x aa), a child has a 50% chance of inheriting the mutated gene.



Armed with a profound understanding of genetics and evolution, you  can approach the MCAT with confidence. Beyond the exam hall, this knowledge prepares you  for a bright  future in healthcare.

Need help with your MCAT Genetics and Evolution study? Book a free 1 on 1 tutoring consultation with a JW expert tutor. To learn more about what’s tested on the MCAT, you can go to  Jack Westn’s MCAT Content or check out our admissions services and choose a package that best suits your needs. 

Remember to tune in to Jack Westin’s MCAT Podcast on YouTube, Spotify, and Apple Podcasts. Gain expert insights, elevate your preparation, grasp key topics, and conquer the MCAT with confidence!

Good luck!

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