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Blog / All You Need To Know MCAT Thermochemistry

All You Need to Know: MCAT Thermochemistry

Written by Seza on Aug 7, 2024

All You Need to Know: MCAT Thermochemistry

Embarking on the MCAT journey requires navigating the world of Thermochemistry, a domain where energy, heat, and work dictate chemical reactions. As we dive into this exploration, we’ll unravel the basics of energy, uncover the significance of enthalpy, and demystify concepts like entropy and equilibrium. Beyond the theoretical framework, we’ll connect these notions to real-world scenarios, from the intricacies of metabolic pathways to the environmental impact of chemical processes. 


Basics of Thermochemistry

Thermochemistry is a fundamental branch of chemistry that explores the relationships between energy, heat and work in chemical systems. As aspiring medical professionals preparing for the MCAT, a solid grasp of Thermochemistry is crucial for understanding various physiological processes and biochemical reactions. In this section, we will delve into the definition and scope of Thermochemistry, key concepts such as energy, heat, and work, and the pertinent laws of thermodynamics.

Definition and Scope of Thermochemistry

Thermochemistry is the study of the heat energy changes that occur during chemical reactions and physical transformations. It investigates the interplay between matter and energy and helps us understand the energy flow within a system. In the context of the MCAT, Thermochemistry is vital for comprehending metabolic pathways, cellular processes, and the energetics of biological systems.

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Key Concepts: Energy, Heat, and Work

  • Energy:
  • Energy is the capacity to do work or transfer heat. In Thermochemistry, it exists in various forms, including kinetic and potential energy. Understanding the different forms of energy is essential for evaluating energy changes in chemical reactions.
  • Heat:
  • Heat is the transfer of energy between objects due to a temperature difference. In chemical reactions, the absorption or release of heat provides insights into the reaction’s spontaneity and feasibility. MCAT questions often involve calculating heat changes in reaction pathways.
  • Work:
  • Work involves the application of force over a distance. In the context of Thermochemistry, understanding how work is done in chemical processes contributes to a comprehensive view of energy changes. This knowledge is valuable in assessing the efficiency of biological processes.

Laws of Thermodynamics Relevant to the MCAT

  • First Law of Thermodynamics (Conservation of Energy):
  • The first law states that energy cannot be created or destroyed; it can only change forms. In MCAT scenarios, this law is crucial for understanding how energy is transferred and transformed within biological systems.
  • Second Law of Thermodynamics:
  • The second law introduces the concept of entropy, indicating that systems tend to move towards greater disorder over time. Knowledge of entropy is essential in predicting the spontaneity of reactions and understanding the efficiency of physiological processes.
  • Third Law of Thermodynamics:
  • The third law establishes the absolute zero temperature point, providing a reference for entropy calculations. Although less commonly tested on the MCAT, an awareness of this law contributes to a more holistic understanding of thermodynamic principles.

All You Need to Know: MCAT Thermochemistry

Thermodynamic Systems and Surroundings

Understanding the concept of thermodynamic systems and their surroundings is essential for navigating the intricacies of MCAT Thermochemistry. In this section, we will explore the definition of a system, its surroundings, the various types of systems, and the critical importance of comprehending system boundaries.

Definition of a System and Its Surroundings

  • System:
  • A system, in thermodynamics, refers to the specific portion of the universe under investigation. It could be as simple as a chemical reaction or as complex as an entire organism. For MCAT Thermochemistry, systems are often chemical reactions or biological processes where energy changes are analyzed.
  • Surroundings:
  • The surroundings encompass everything outside the defined system that can exchange energy with it. Understanding the boundaries between the system and its surroundings is fundamental to grasping how energy is transferred during reactions.

Different Types of Systems

  • Open System:
    • Allows both energy and matter to exchange with the surroundings.
    • Examples include a boiling pot of water or a living organism. MCAT questions may involve open systems to assess energy flow and exchange.
  • Closed System:
    • Permits the exchange of energy but not matter with the surroundings.
    • A sealed container with gas undergoing a reaction is an example. MCAT scenarios often feature closed systems to evaluate energy changes during chemical reactions.
  • Isolated System:
    • Experiences neither energy nor matter exchange with the surroundings.
    • An insulated thermos containing a reaction is an isolated system. While less common in MCAT questions, understanding isolated systems is essential for a comprehensive grasp of thermodynamics.

 Importance of Understanding System Boundaries in MCAT Thermochemistry

  • Evaluating Energy Changes:
  • Understanding the system’s boundaries is crucial for accurately assessing energy changes within a reaction. MCAT questions frequently require candidates to calculate heat transfer and work done, making knowledge of system boundaries imperative.
  • Predicting Reaction Spontaneity:
  • The spontaneity of a reaction is influenced by the interaction between the system and its surroundings. A clear understanding of these boundaries is essential for predicting whether a reaction will occur spontaneously, a key aspect in MCAT Thermochemistry.
  • Analyzing Biological Systems:
  • In the context of MCAT preparation, the application of Thermochemistry extends to biological systems. Recognizing the system boundaries becomes vital for comprehending energy changes in metabolic pathways, cellular respiration, and other physiological processes.

MCAT General Chemistry

Energy and Enthalpy in MCAT Thermochemistry

In the realm of MCAT Thermochemistry, a thorough understanding of energy and enthalpy is crucial. This section will provide an overview of energy and its units, define enthalpy, and elucidate the significance of calculating changes in enthalpy (ΔH) in the context of MCAT problems.

Overview of Energy and Its Units

  • Definition of Energy:
  • Energy is the capacity to do work or transfer heat. In the MCAT, energy is a central theme, and having a clear grasp of its various forms—kinetic, potential, and internal energy—is crucial for tackling Thermochemistry problems.
  • Units of Energy:
  • Energy is quantified in joules (J) or calories (cal) in the context of Thermochemistry. Understanding the unit conversions and applying them to MCAT scenarios is essential for accurate calculations involving energy changes.

Definition of Enthalpy and Its Relevance to Thermochemistry

  • Enthalpy Defined:
  • Enthalpy (H) is a thermodynamic property that combines internal energy and the product of pressure and volume. In simple terms, it represents the total heat content of a system. For MCAT Thermochemistry, enthalpy is particularly relevant when studying chemical reactions.
  • Enthalpy Change (ΔH):
  • ΔH represents the change in enthalpy during a reaction and is a key parameter in Thermochemistry. It can be exothermic (ΔH < 0) when heat is released or endothermic (ΔH > 0) when heat is absorbed. Calculating ΔH is crucial in understanding the energetics of chemical processes, a skill frequently tested in MCAT scenarios.

Calculating Changes in Enthalpy (ΔH) and Its Significance in MCAT Problems

  • ΔH Calculations:
    • ΔH is determined by the difference between the enthalpy of the products and the enthalpy of the reactants.
  • Significance in MCAT Problems:
    • Evaluating Reaction Feasibility:
    • Understanding ΔH is crucial for predicting whether a reaction is thermodynamically favorable. Negative ΔH values suggest exothermic reactions, while positive values indicate endothermic processes.
    • Stoichiometry and Reaction Progress:
    • ΔH is utilized in stoichiometric calculations, enabling the determination of the heat exchange in a reaction. This knowledge is pivotal in MCAT problems involving reaction progress and product formation.
    • Biological Relevance:
    • In the context of MCAT preparation, grasping the significance of ΔH is vital for comprehending energy changes in biochemical reactions, such as those occurring in cellular respiration or photosynthesis.

All You Need to Know: MCAT Thermochemistry

Heat Transfer in MCAT Thermochemistry

To unravel the complexities of MCAT Thermochemistry, an exploration of heat transfer becomes paramount. This section will elucidate the mechanisms of heat transfer, delve into the calculations involved in various processes, and demonstrate the application of heat transfer concepts in MCAT scenarios.

Explanation of Heat Transfer Mechanisms

  • Conduction:
    • Heat transfer through direct contact between particles.
    • The collision of molecules within a substance results in the transfer of kinetic energy.
  • Convection:
    • Heat transfer through the movement of fluids (liquids or gases).
    • Commonly seen in liquids or gases where warmer portions rise, and cooler portions sink, creating a circulation pattern.
  • Radiation:
    • Heat transfer through electromagnetic waves.
    • Unlike conduction and convection, radiation doesn’t require a medium, making it suitable for heat transfer in a vacuum.

Understanding these mechanisms is vital for interpreting heat exchange scenarios, a skill frequently tested in MCAT Thermochemistry questions.

Calculation of Heat Transfer in Various Processes

  • Q = mcΔT (Heat Transfer Equation):
    • Q represents heat transfer, m is the mass of the substance, c is the specific heat capacity, and ΔT is the change in temperature.
    • Application of this equation is common in MCAT problems involving temperature changes in chemical reactions.
  • Phase Changes: Latent Heat:
    • Q = mL, where Q is heat transfer, m is the mass, and L is the latent heat.
    • This equation proves invaluable in MCAT scenarios involving phase transitions, such as melting or vaporization.
  • Calorimetry:
    • Q = CΔT, where Q is heat transfer, C is the calorimeter constant, and ΔT is the temperature change.
    • Utilized in MCAT experiments where the heat exchange between a system and its surroundings is measured.

Application of Heat Transfer Concepts in MCAT Scenarios

  • Reaction Energetics:
    • Understanding heat transfer allows for the assessment of the energy changes in chemical reactions, aiding in predicting reaction feasibility.
  • Biological Systems:
    • Applying heat transfer concepts becomes crucial in MCAT scenarios involving metabolic pathways, where the body’s energy balance relies on heat transfer mechanisms.
  • Environmental Implications:
    • Knowledge of heat transfer is relevant to MCAT questions exploring environmental processes, such as heat exchange in ecosystems or global warming.

Unveiling Gibbs Free Energy: Key Concepts and MCAT Applications

To delve deeper into the intricacies of MCAT Thermochemistry, understanding Gibbs Free Energy (G) is important. This section will illuminate the definition and significance of Gibbs Free Energy, elucidate the relationship between ΔG, ΔH, and ΔS, and showcase the utilization of Gibbs Free Energy in solving MCAT Thermochemistry problems.

Definition and Significance of Gibbs Free Energy (G)

  • Definition of Gibbs Free Energy (G):
    • Gibbs Free Energy (G) is a thermodynamic potential that combines enthalpy (H), temperature (T), and entropy (S). It predicts whether a process is spontaneous under constant temperature and pressure conditions.
    • G = H – TS, where G is Gibbs Free Energy, H is enthalpy, T is temperature, and S is entropy.
  • Significance in Thermochemistry:
    • In MCAT Thermochemistry, G is a crucial parameter for determining the spontaneity and feasibility of reactions. A negative ΔG indicates a spontaneous process, while a positive ΔG suggests a non-spontaneous process.

Relationship between ΔG, ΔH, and ΔS

  • ΔG and Reaction Spontaneity:
    • ΔG < 0: Spontaneous process (exergonic)
    • ΔG > 0: Non-spontaneous process (endergonic)
    • ΔG = 0: Reaction at equilibrium
  • ΔG and Enthalpy (ΔH):
    • ΔG = ΔH – TΔS
    • The enthalpy change (ΔH) and the temperature-dependent entropy change (ΔS) play integral roles in determining the spontaneity of a reaction.
  • Temperature and Spontaneity:
    • For ΔG, the temperature (T) is a critical factor. A reaction that may be non-spontaneous at lower temperatures can become spontaneous at higher temperatures.

Utilizing Gibbs Free Energy in MCAT Thermochemistry Problems

  • Predicting Reaction Spontaneity:
    • MCAT problems often involve predicting whether a reaction is spontaneous. Understanding the relationship between ΔG, ΔH, and ΔS is crucial for making accurate predictions.
  • Quantifying Work Capacity:
    • Gibbs Free Energy represents the maximum reversible work that can be performed by a system. MCAT scenarios may require the application of this concept to evaluate the work capacity of a reaction.
  • Biological Relevance:
    • In the context of MCAT preparation, applying Gibbs Free Energy is essential for understanding the energy changes in biochemical reactions, such as those occurring in cellular respiration or photosynthesis.

Embracing Entropy in MCAT Thermochemistry

In the intricate landscape of MCAT Thermochemistry, a profound understanding of entropy becomes a cornerstone. This section will illuminate the concept of entropy, explore its units, delve into the calculation of entropy changes (ΔS), and elucidate the pivotal role of linking entropy changes to spontaneity in MCAT scenarios.

Understanding Entropy and Its Units

  • Definition of Entropy:
    • Entropy (S) is a thermodynamic property representing the measure of disorder or randomness in a system. It quantifies the number of ways energy can be distributed among particles.
    • In simpler terms, entropy is the tendency of systems to move towards a state of greater disorder.
  • Units of Entropy:
    • Entropy is measured in joules per kelvin (J/K) in the International System of Units (SI). The units underscore the relationship between energy and temperature, emphasizing the temperature-dependent nature of entropy.

Calculation of Entropy Changes (ΔS)

  • ΔS in Reactions:
    • ΔS represents the change in entropy during a process or chemical reaction. A positive ΔS indicates an increase in disorder, while a negative ΔS suggests a decrease in disorder.
  • Calculation of ΔS:
    • ΔS is calculated using the equation ΔS = ΣS(products) – ΣS(reactants), where Σ denotes the sum of entropy values for products and reactants.
    • MCAT problems often involve assessing the entropy changes associated with phase transitions, chemical reactions, or changes in temperature.

Linking Entropy Changes to Spontaneity in MCAT Scenarios

  • Relationship with Gibbs Free Energy (ΔG):
    • ΔG = ΔH – TΔS
    • The entropy term (TΔS) is integral to determining the spontaneity of a reaction. If the entropy change results in a positive contribution, it can compensate for a positive enthalpy change (ΔH) and render the reaction spontaneous.
  • Spontaneity and Disorder:
    • MCAT Thermochemistry often revolves around predicting whether a reaction will occur spontaneously. Understanding that spontaneous processes tend to increase the overall disorder of the system provides a valuable predictive tool.
  • Temperature Influence:
    • Temperature plays a significant role in the spontaneity assessment. At higher temperatures, the entropy term becomes more dominant, and reactions that might be non-spontaneous at lower temperatures can become spontaneous.

Achieving Equilibrium in MCAT Thermochemistry

In the MCAT Thermochemistry realm, equilibrium is a pivotal concept that intertwines with various thermodynamic principles. This section will shed light on thermodynamic equilibrium and its conditions, delve into the application of Le Chatelier’s principle in solving MCAT Thermochemistry problems, and elucidate the role of equilibrium constants in the thermodynamic landscape.

Thermodynamic Equilibrium and Its Conditions

  • Definition of Thermodynamic Equilibrium:
    • Thermodynamic equilibrium is a state in which a system’s properties remain constant over time, indicating a balance between opposing processes.
    • Conditions for thermodynamic equilibrium include constant temperature, pressure, and the absence of a net change in the system’s properties.
  • Dynamic Nature of Equilibrium:
    • While the system appears static at equilibrium, it is dynamic at the molecular level, with forward and reverse processes occurring at equal rates.
    • Achieving thermodynamic equilibrium is fundamental for understanding the behavior of systems, particularly in MCAT Thermochemistry scenarios involving chemical reactions.

Le Chatelier’s Principle and Its Application in MCAT Thermochemistry Problems

  • Le Chatelier’s Principle Defined:
    • Le Chatelier’s principle states that if a system at equilibrium is subjected to a change, the system will adjust to counteract that change and restore a new state of equilibrium.
    • This principle is crucial in predicting how changes in temperature, pressure, or concentration affect the equilibrium position of a reaction.
  • Application in MCAT Thermochemistry:
    • MCAT Thermochemistry problems often involve analyzing the impact of external factors on equilibrium. Applying Le Chatelier’s principle aids in predicting the direction in which a reaction will shift to counteract a disturbance.
  • Temperature, Pressure, and Concentration Effects:
    • Understanding how changes in these parameters influence equilibrium allows for more nuanced problem-solving in MCAT scenarios. For instance, altering the concentration of reactants or products can shift the equilibrium position, affecting the overall energetics of the system.

Equilibrium Constants and Their Role in Thermochemistry

  • Expression of Equilibrium Constants (K):
    • The equilibrium constant (K) quantifies the ratio of product concentrations to reactant concentrations at equilibrium.
    • The expression for K varies based on the specific chemical reaction, providing a numerical representation of the position of equilibrium.
  • Role of K in Thermochemistry:
    • MCAT Thermochemistry problems often involve calculating or utilizing equilibrium constants to assess the extent of a reaction or predict the concentrations of reactants and products at equilibrium.
  • Interpretation of K Values:
    • A large K indicates that the equilibrium favors the formation of products, while a small K suggests a preference for reactants. The numerical value of K provides insights into the thermodynamics of a reaction.

Practical Applications of Thermochemistry in MCAT

It is crucial to bridge theoretical knowledge with practical applications in MCAT Thermochemistry. This section will explore the biomedical applications, environmental implications, and industrial relevance of Thermochemistry concepts, providing a tangible context for aspiring medical professionals preparing for the MCAT.

Biomedical Applications of Thermochemistry in MCAT Context

  • Metabolic Pathways:
    • Thermochemistry plays a pivotal role in understanding and predicting the energetics of metabolic pathways within the human body.
    • MCAT questions may involve analyzing the heat changes associated with biochemical reactions, such as those occurring in glycolysis or the citric acid cycle.
  • Enzyme Catalysis:
    • Thermochemistry principles are applied to elucidate the thermodynamics of enzyme-catalyzed reactions.
    • MCAT scenarios may require knowledge of how changes in temperature or substrate concentration affect enzyme activity, influencing the overall thermodynamics of biological processes.
  • Drug Design and Reactions:
    • Thermochemistry concepts are employed in drug design, where understanding the energy changes associated with drug-receptor interactions is crucial.
    • MCAT problems might explore the impact of temperature or changes in reaction conditions on drug stability and efficacy.

Environmental Implications and Relevance in MCAT Scenarios

  • Climate Change and Thermodynamics:
    • Thermochemistry principles contribute to understanding and addressing climate change.
    • MCAT questions may involve assessing the energy changes associated with environmental processes, such as the combustion of fossil fuels and its implications on global warming.
  • Renewable Energy Sources:
    • Thermochemistry is fundamental in evaluating the efficiency and viability of renewable energy technologies.
    • MCAT scenarios might explore the thermodynamics of solar cells, wind turbines, or biofuel production, emphasizing the role of sustainable energy solutions.
  • Environmental Chemistry:
    • Thermochemistry concepts aid in comprehending environmental reactions, such as those involved in pollutant degradation or the dynamics of chemical equilibria in aquatic systems.
    • MCAT questions may address how changes in temperature or pressure affect the fate of environmental contaminants.

Industrial Applications of Thermochemistry Concepts

  • Chemical Process Optimization:
    • Thermochemistry principles are applied in the design and optimization of chemical processes in industries.
    • MCAT scenarios might involve analyzing the thermodynamics of reactions in industrial settings, considering factors like temperature, pressure, and equilibrium constants.
  • Energy Production:
    • Thermochemistry plays a vital role in energy production processes, including combustion reactions in power plants.
    • MCAT problems may explore the efficiency of energy conversion and the environmental impact of different energy production methods.
  • Materials Synthesis:
    • Thermochemistry concepts guide the synthesis of materials with specific properties in industries such as materials science and nanotechnology.
    • MCAT scenarios might require understanding the thermodynamics behind the formation of materials with desired characteristics.

Sample MCAT Thermochemistry Questions 

Scenario 1:

10 grams of water (specific heat capacity = 4.184 J/g°C) initially at 20°C is heated by burning 5 grams of ethanol (heat of combustion = -297 kJ/g). What is the final temperature of the water?


  1. Calculate the energy released by ethanol: 5 g * (-297 kJ/g) = -1485 kJ
  2. Since the heat released goes to heating the water, we can equate it to the heat gained by water: -1485 kJ = Qwater
  3. Use the formula Q = mcΔT, where m is mass, c is specific heat capacity, and ΔT is the temperature change.
  4. Solve for ΔT: ΔT = Q / (mc) = -1485 kJ / (10 g * 4.184 J/g°C) = -35.2°C
  5. Since ΔT is negative, the final temperature decreases. Final temperature = 20°C – 35.2°C = -15.2°C

Scenario 2:

Consider the reaction: A (s) + B (g) -> C (aq) + 10 kJ

Is the reaction endothermic or exothermic?


An exothermic reaction releases heat to the surroundings, meaning the enthalpy change (ΔH) is negative. Since the reaction releases 10 kJ, it is exothermic.


In conclusion, our journey through the energetic landscapes of MCAT Thermochemistry unveils a tapestry woven with practical applications and real-world relevance. From understanding the role of energy in biological processes to deciphering the impact of chemical reactions on our environment, this exploration transcends theoretical boundaries. Aspiring medical professionals are equipped not just with formulas and laws but with a holistic understanding of how Thermochemistry shapes the realms of medicine, the environment, and industry. This journey serves as a compass, guiding every MCAT aspirant towards a deeper comprehension of the energetic forces that govern our world and underpin the very foundations of their future medical endeavors. You can always contact Jack Westin’s team of academic consultants for more tailor-made advice during your MCAT prep journey. Make sure to check out our website for affordable MCAT online courses, tutoring options, free weekly sessions, practice questions, and more!

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