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Blog / Explained How Does Rolling Admissions Work

Explained: How Does Rolling Admissions Work?

Written by Seza on Apr 12, 2024

Explained: How Does Rolling Admissions Work?

Rolling admissions, a common term in the medical school application process, can offer both advantages and challenges for medical school applicants. It’s important for students to understand how this system works to navigate it effectively. In this blog post, we’ll explore rolling admissions, how it differs from regular admissions, address common misunderstandings, and weigh its pros and cons to help you make informed decisions.


Rolling vs. Regular Admissions

In contrast to a regular admissions process, rolling admissions involves continuously reviewing and evaluating applicants’ submissions. Instead of waiting until a fixed deadline to assess all applications, the admissions committee evaluates each application as it arrives. Typically, the application window spans a considerable period, often six months or more. Decisions whether offers or rejections) are communicated to applicants promptly once reached, usually within 4-8 weeks. Offers continue to be made until all available spots in the program are filled.

Three Common Misconceptions about Rolling Admissions

Before you apply, there are several important aspects of rolling admissions procedures that you need to remember.

A. “rolling” deadline does not mean “no deadline”.

Although the application window for rolling admissions is typically longer compared to regular admissions processes, there is still generally a final deadline for applicants. It’s essential to be aware of when the application window closes for the year.

B. Applying early is still crucial.

A rolling admissions process shouldn’t be seen as an opportunity to delay. On the contrary, applying early offers significant advantages to applicants. Ideally, you should submit your application as soon as the rolling admissions process begins. Why? The primary reason is that spots in programs fill up gradually. Since offers are extended on a rolling basis, schools continue to make offers until all available spots are taken. For popular programs, available spots may be filled sooner than anticipated. By applying early, you increase your chances of securing a spot in the program, as more spots are likely to be available. Waiting reduces the number of spots and makes it more challenging to receive an offer.

Moreover, applying early means your application will be evaluated on its own merits, as the admission committee will have fewer applicants to compare you with.

C. “Rolling admissions” does not mean “easy admissions”. 

Some students believe that applying early through rolling admissions means facing lower academic standards. However, this isn’t necessarily true. The rolling admissions process doesn’t exempt applicants from meeting GPA requirements or submitting well-written personal statements. Even in rolling admissions, unqualified or weak applicants can still be rejected. An underwhelming academic record or a poorly prepared application can still harm your chances of admission to your desired program. It’s important not to underestimate the process and to approach your rolling admissions application with the same dedication and care as you would a regular admissions application.


Rolling Admissions: Pros and Cons

Rolling admissions have both advantages and disadvantages. 

Pros of Rolling Admissions

Let’s see what can be the potential benefits of rolling admissions for high school students

  • Flexible Admission Period

One of the main advantages of rolling admissions is the extended application window it offers. Unlike regular admissions, where applications must be submitted by a strict deadline, rolling admissions accept and review applications over a longer period. This extended time frame provides students with ample time to apply, reducing the stress typically associated with the application process. This flexibility can be especially beneficial for students who require additional time to polish their applications. With no fixed deadline, students also have the option to apply later in the admission cycle, giving them the chance to spend more time on their personal statements or getting a recommendation letter.

  •  Results Arrive Early

Another advantage of rolling admissions is the quick turnaround time it offers. Unlike regular admissions, which stick to set dates for notifying applicants of their admission status, rolling admissions schools review applications promptly upon receipt and respond more quickly. This means you’ll find out sooner whether you’re accepted, waitlisted, or declined. Getting feedback early reduces the stress and uncertainty of the application process and allows you to make more careful choices for your future. Depending on the outcome, you might reconsider your school selection strategy or explore other options, especially if your preferred medical school doesn’t offer you admission.

  • Flexibility in the Choice of School

Rolling admissions provide applicants with greater flexibility in choosing their preferred school. This is because students have more time to make decisions. Unlike the tight deadlines often associated with regular admissions, rolling admissions give students more time to think about their preferences, career goals, and what each college offers.

By extending the application process, rolling admissions allows students more time to carefully evaluate their medical school choices. This includes factors like finding the best fit for their career goals, financial aid options, and specific program offerings. Ultimately, this flexibility helps students make informed decisions about their future.

  • Less Competition For Those Who Apply Early

Many students decide to apply through regular admissions when seeking entry to medical schools. This reduces the number of applicants competing for spots during rolling admissions. Rolling admissions involve schools reviewing applications continuously throughout the admission cycle, without direct competition among applicants applying simultaneously. So, if you’ve missed the early decision deadline or are unsure about which school to choose, you can go for rolling admissions as a less competitive option.

Cons of Rolling Admissions

While this type of admissions has its set of advantages, you must also be aware of its cons so that you can make better decisions.

  • You Must Apply Early

Rolling admissions offer flexibility in timing, but applying late could mean missing out on several advantages discussed earlier. Generally, rolling admissions operate on a first-come, first-served basis. Therefore, it’s important for students to apply early in the cycle. This is particularly crucial if you’re aiming for scholarships or financial aid. Many medical schools distribute funds on a first-come, first-served basis, so early applicants have a better chance.

  • Limited Spots

While rolling admissions offer flexibility, it’s important to be aware that, unlike regular admissions with a set number of spots offered at once, rolling admissions may have a smaller pool of available seats throughout the cycle, especially for popular programs, housing, and financial aid packages. Submitting your application earlier in the rolling window can potentially increase your chances of securing a spot and receiving preferred resources.

  • Important Rules and Constraints

Many medical schools with rolling admissions have specific requirements and deadlines for application materials.  These can vary by school, so it’s important to check the school’s website and official announcements regularly.  This will ensure you have the latest information and can submit your application when it best suits both you and the school’s timeline. 


In this blog post, we have discussed the major advantages and disadvantages of rolling admissions. Remember to tune in to Jack Westin’s MCAT Podcast on YouTube, Spotify, and Apple Podcasts. Gain expert insights, elevate your preparation, grasp key topics, and improve your medical school application!

To learn more about the medical school application process, check out our admissions services and choose a package that best suits your needs. 

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