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Blog / How To Ask To Shadow A Doctor

How to Ask to Shadow a Doctor

Written by Seza on Mar 11, 2024

How to Ask to Shadow a Doctor?

Imagine this: you, in the heart of a bustling hospital, observing a seasoned doctor as they make life-changing decisions, comfort patients, and navigate the intricate world of medicine. 

The stethoscope around their neck and the weight of their responsibility inspire you. You’re not just a bystander; you’re there to learn, to absorb the essence of healthcare, and to prepare for your own journey into the realm of medicine. 

Shadowing a doctor is not just a checkbox on your path to medical school; it’s an opportunity to immerse yourself in the world you’re passionate about.

In the eyes of medical school admissions officers, it’s a significant factor in determining your readiness and commitment. But here’s the catch: the expectations can vary, the hours can be daunting, and virtual shadowing is now in the mix. 

How do you navigate this pivotal step towards your medical dreams? Let’s dive in and find out!


What is Shadowing a Doctor Like?

Shadowing a doctor is an invaluable experience for aspiring medical students and pre-med students. It provides a unique opportunity to immerse yourself in the world of healthcare and gain firsthand insights into the daily life of a medical professional.  Let’s explore what shadowing a doctor is really like and why it’s so beneficial.


The Experience of Shadowing

Shadowing a doctor is like stepping into the shoes of a medical professional for a brief period. It’s an observational experience where you closely follow and observe a doctor as they go about their daily routines and interact with patients.

While you won’t be directly involved in patient care, you’ll get a front-row seat to the medical field’s real-world practices. Imagine standing beside a seasoned physician as they make critical decisions, perform examinations, and communicate with patients. 

You’ll witness the blend of medical knowledge, clinical expertise, and empathy required in the healthcare profession. This immersive experience can be a revelation, giving you a genuine taste of the medical world.

Read More: How Many Shadowing Hours Are Needed for Medical School?


Benefits of Shadowing

1. Insight into the Daily Routine 

One of the key advantages of shadowing is gaining a deep understanding of a doctor’s daily life. You’ll witness the variety of tasks they undertake, from patient consultations to procedures and administrative work. 

This insight can help you decide if a medical career aligns with your expectations. It’s not uncommon to discover the intricacies of a doctor’s daily routine, including the juggling act of managing patient appointments, reviewing medical records, and staying updated on the latest research.

    – Statistics: According to data, 78% of accepted applicants at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine reported physician shadowing or clinical observation as part of their application process. This illustrates the significance that medical schools place on shadowing experiences.

Read More: How to Stand Out in Your Medical School Application: Tips for Success

2. Interaction with the Medical Community

Shadowing offers a chance to interact with not only doctors but also nurses, medical staff, and patients. You’ll get a taste of the collaborative nature of healthcare and the importance of effective communication in a medical setting. 

Observing these interactions can teach you about the interdisciplinary nature of healthcare, where everyone works together to provide the best possible care to patients. You may even have opportunities to witness multidisciplinary team meetings, where healthcare providers collaborate on complex cases.

3. Exploration of Specializations

Shadowing allows you to explore various medical specializations. It’s a way to discover which field resonates with your interests and career goals. For example, you might shadow a pediatrician, surgeon, or oncologist to see what suits you best. The exposure to different specialties can help you make informed decisions about your future medical career.

    – Statistics: Research indicates that 71.4% of osteopathic medical students reported that shadowing experiences before medical school increased their desire to attend medical school. 

Furthermore, 70.9% of osteopathic medical students reported that shadowing experiences during medical school increased their desire to become a physician. This underscores the significant impact that shadowing has on shaping career aspirations.


Different from Internships and Volunteer Work

It’s important to note that shadowing differs from internships or volunteer work. While internships involve hands-on tasks and responsibilities, shadowing is primarily observational. You won’t be diagnosing or treating patients. Instead, you’ll be closely observing the doctor’s actions and decisions.

For instance, during an internship or volunteer work in a healthcare setting, you might be actively involved in patient care, such as taking vital signs, administering medications, or assisting with procedures. 

However, during shadowing, your role is to observe and learn rather than actively participate in patient care. This clear distinction is vital to understand as it helps you set appropriate expectations for your shadowing experience.


Tips for a Successful Shadowing Experience

Here are some actionable tips to make the most of your shadowing experience:

  1. Dress Professionally: When you show up for your shadowing experience, dress professionally. It’s essential to convey your respect for the medical environment and the seriousness of your intentions. Consider wearing business casual attire or, if provided, medical scrubs.
  2. Ask Questions: Don’t be afraid to ask questions when appropriate. Engage with the medical professionals you’re shadowing. Inquire about the medical conditions you encounter, the diagnostic processes, and the treatment plans. This not only shows your interest but also helps you learn more effectively.
  3. Take Notes: Keep a notebook with you to jot down observations, medical terminology, and any questions that arise during your shadowing. These notes can be invaluable when you’re reflecting on your experiences or preparing for medical school interviews.
  4. Respect Privacy: Always maintain patient confidentiality and respect their privacy during your observations. This is an essential ethical consideration in healthcare.
  5. Track Your Hours: Many medical schools require a certain number of shadowing hours as part of their admission requirements. Be diligent about recording the hours you spend shadowing. This documentation is crucial when you’re preparing your medical school application.

Read More: Medical School Application Timeline


Which Shadowing Opportunities Appeal to You?

When it comes to shadowing doctors, the opportunities are as diverse as the medical field itself. This section is all about helping you explore the various medical specializations and understand the benefits of shadowing multiple specialties.

Exploring Medical Specializations

Medicine is a vast and multifaceted field with numerous specialties, each offering unique challenges and rewards. As you embark on your journey of shadowing, take the time to explore these different medical specializations. Here are a few considerations:

  1. General Medicine: Shadowing a general practitioner can provide you with a broad overview of healthcare. You’ll witness the diagnosis and treatment of a wide range of medical conditions.
  2. Pediatrics: If you have a passion for working with children, shadowing a pediatrician can be incredibly fulfilling. You’ll gain insights into child healthcare, growth, and development.
  3. Surgery: Shadowing a surgeon is an intense experience. You’ll be in the operating room, observing complex procedures. This can be both exciting and demanding.
  4. Obstetrics and Gynecology: If women’s health and reproductive medicine interest you, shadowing an OB/GYN can offer a glimpse into pregnancy care, childbirth, and gynecological procedures.
  5. Emergency Medicine: Shadowing in the emergency room can be fast-paced and unpredictable. You’ll see how medical professionals respond to urgent situations.
  6. Radiology: Radiologists interpret medical images like X-rays and MRIs. Shadowing in radiology can help you understand the importance of diagnostic imaging.
  7. Dermatology: If skin health and conditions intrigue you, shadowing a dermatologist can be enlightening. You’ll see treatments for various skin issues.
  8. Psychiatry: Mental health is a critical aspect of healthcare. Shadowing a psychiatrist can provide insight into the diagnosis and treatment of mental illnesses.
  9. Orthopedics: Orthopedic surgeons specialize in musculoskeletal issues. You’ll observe surgeries related to bones, joints, and muscles.
  10. Oncology: Shadowing an oncologist can be emotionally challenging but rewarding. You’ll witness the diagnosis and treatment of cancer patients.


Tips for Making a Shadowing Request

  1. Personalize Your Message: Address the doctor by their last name and personalize the email by mentioning their specific specialty or expertise. This shows that you’ve done your research and are genuinely interested in their work.
  2. Express Your Passion: Clearly state your enthusiasm for medicine and your motivation for shadowing. Share what inspires you about the doctor’s work.
  3. Respect Patient Privacy: Acknowledge the importance of patient privacy and reassure the doctor that you will uphold all necessary ethical standards.
  4. Offer Flexibility: Be open to the doctor’s schedule and preferences. Show your willingness to accommodate their availability.
  5. Suggest a Follow-Up Meeting: It’s a good idea to propose a meeting or call to discuss your request further. This allows for direct communication and demonstrates your professionalism.
  6. Provide Contact Information: Ensure that your contact information is clear and complete, making it easy for the doctor to reach out to you.
  7. Be Grateful: Express your gratitude for their time and consideration. Doctors are more likely to respond positively when they know their expertise is valued.
  8. Follow Up: If you don’t receive a response within a reasonable time frame, consider sending a polite follow-up email to reiterate your interest and commitment.


How to Find a Doctor to Shadow?

Finding a doctor to shadow is a pivotal step in your journey toward medical school. In this section, we’ll break down the process, offer guidance on choosing the right doctor, and address some common questions.

The Process of Finding a Suitable Doctor to Shadow

  1. Start with Your Goals: Before you begin, consider your goals for shadowing. Are you looking to explore a specific medical specialty or gain a general understanding of the medical field? Knowing your objectives will guide your search. Create a clear list of your shadowing goals. Are you interested in surgery, pediatrics, or another specialty? Knowing your preferences will help you narrow down your search.
  1. Research: Use the power of research. The internet is a valuable resource. Look up hospitals, clinics, and healthcare facilities in your area. Many have programs or departments dedicated to assisting aspiring healthcare professionals like yourself in finding shadowing opportunities. Example: For instance, the Mayo Clinic and Cleveland Clinic have well-structured shadowing programs designed to give students a firsthand experience in healthcare.
  2. Networking: Don’t underestimate the power of your network. Seek advice from friends, family, or acquaintances who may have connections in the medical field. They might know a doctor who’s open to having a shadow. Don’t be shy about sharing your intentions with your network. You’d be surprised how many people have medical connections they’d be happy to introduce you to.
  3. Contact Your College or University: If you’re currently enrolled in college or university, explore your institution’s resources. Many educational institutions have pre-medical or career advising offices that can assist in connecting you with shadowing opportunities.
  4. Reach Out to Professors: Your professors can be a valuable resource. Professors in the sciences or healthcare-related fields may have connections with doctors or be aware of shadowing opportunities. Don’t hesitate to ask for their guidance. Set up a meeting with your professors to discuss your interests in shadowing. They can provide invaluable insights and even make introductions.

Choosing the Right Type of Doctor

Selecting the right doctor to shadow is a crucial decision. Here are some factors to consider:

  1. Specialization: Think about the medical specialties that interest you the most. Are you drawn to pediatrics, surgery, internal medicine, or another field? Your choice of doctor should align with your interests. Example: If you’re passionate about women’s health, shadowing an obstetrician-gynecologist can provide unique insights into this specialty.
  2. Location: Consider the location of the doctor’s practice. Is it accessible for you? Shadowing might require you to commute, so factor in travel time and convenience. Use mapping tools to plan your routes and check the feasibility of the location you choose for shadowing.
  1. Patient Demographics: Some doctors work with specific patient populations, such as children, the elderly, or individuals with particular medical conditions. Choose a doctor whose patient demographics resonate with your interests. If you’re interested in working with specific patient populations, ensure that you express your preferences during your search for shadowing opportunities.


  1. Practice Setting: Doctors can work in various settings, from large hospitals to private clinics. The setting can influence the kind of cases you’ll encounter and the atmosphere in which you’ll work. Discuss your expectations regarding practice settings with the doctor you’re considering for shadowing. This can help align your experience with your goals.


High School Students and Shadowing

Many high school students are enthusiastic about pursuing a career in medicine. While shadowing is traditionally associated with college or pre-med students, some high school students may also have opportunities to shadow. It largely depends on the policies of the healthcare facility and the doctor’s willingness.

If you’re a high school student interested in shadowing, here’s what you can do:

  1. Research Local Policies: Reach out to local hospitals, clinics, or medical facilities to inquire about their policies regarding high school student shadowing. When contacting healthcare facilities, clearly state your grade level and ask about their age requirements for shadowing programs.
  2. Seek Guidance: Consult with your school guidance counselor or teachers who may have insights into shadowing opportunities for high school students. Example: Your school guidance counselor may be aware of local programs or doctors who are open to high school student shadowing.
  3. Demonstrate Commitment: Be prepared to explain your motivations and demonstrate your commitment to the experience. Doctors may be more open to high school students who are genuinely interested in medicine.

Write a thoughtful letter of intent that expresses your passion for medicine and your eagerness to learn. This can make a positive impression on doctors.


Leveraging Your Undergraduate Institution

If you’re enrolled in a college or university, your institution can be a fantastic resource for setting up shadowing hours. Here’s how to make the most of this resource:

  1. Contact Your Career Services Office: Many educational institutions have a dedicated career services office. They can provide information, contacts, and assistance in finding shadowing opportunities. Schedule an appointment with your career services office to discuss your goals and receive guidance on the shadowing process.
  2. Pre-Medical Advising: Pre-medical advising offices are tailored to the needs of aspiring medical students. These offices often have a list of doctors open to shadowing and can help facilitate connections.
  3. Networking Events: Attend pre-medical or healthcare-related networking events at your institution. These events can connect you with doctors and professionals who may be willing to offer shadowing opportunities. Actively participate in these events and seek out opportunities to network with healthcare professionals. Networking can be a powerful tool in shadowing search.


How to Make Contact with a Doctor

Reaching out to doctors for shadowing opportunities can be a rewarding but sometimes daunting task. 

In this section, we’ll provide you with a step-by-step guide, offer tips on crafting an effective contact message, address common fears, and emphasize the significance of flexibility in scheduling.

1. Research and Shortlist

Start by researching and shortlisting doctors or medical professionals in your chosen specialty. Ensure that they are open to having shadowing students. Look for their contact information, which is often available on hospital or clinic websites. Create a comprehensive list of potential doctors, including their specialties, contact details, and any specific reasons why you want to shadow them. This will help you stay organized during your outreach.


2. Craft a Polite Introduction

When reaching out, begin with a polite and respectful introduction. Mention your name, your current educational status, and your interest in shadowing. Keep your initial message concise and professional. Example: “Hello, Dr. Smith, my name is [Your Name], and I am a pre-med student at [Your University]. I am writing to express my sincere interest in shadowing you to gain valuable insights into the field of [Specialty].”


3. Highlight Your Goals and Passion

In your message, express your passion for medicine and your specific goals for shadowing. Let the doctor know why you are interested in their specialty and what you hope to gain from the experience. Example: “I am passionate about pursuing a career in medicine and believe that shadowing an experienced professional like yourself would provide me with a deeper understanding of [Specialty].”


4. Address the Importance of Flexibility

Mention your flexibility in terms of scheduling. Highlight that you are willing to work around the doctor’s schedule. This demonstrates your commitment and respect for their time. Example: “I understand that your schedule may be busy, and I am more than willing to adjust my availability to accommodate yours. Your guidance and mentorship mean a lot to me.”


5. Express Gratitude and Eagerness: 

Conclude your message by expressing your gratitude for considering your request and your eagerness to learn from the doctor. Example: “Thank you for considering my request. I am genuinely excited about the opportunity to shadow you and learn from your expertise.”


6. Follow-Up

If you don’t receive a response within a reasonable timeframe (typically one to two weeks), it’s perfectly acceptable to send a polite follow-up email. Sometimes, doctors have busy schedules, and your initial message may have been missed. Example: “I hope this message finds you well. I wanted to follow up on my previous email and reiterate my enthusiasm for shadowing you. I understand that you have a busy schedule, and I appreciate your time.”


Addressing Common Fears

It’s natural to have concerns or fears when reaching out to doctors for shadowing. Here are a few common concerns and how to address them:

  1. Fear of Rejection: The fear of being rejected is common. Remember that rejection is a part of the process, and it’s not a reflection of your qualifications. Doctors may have various reasons for not being able to accommodate shadowing at a given time. Maintain a positive attitude and keep reaching out to multiple doctors. Persistence often pays off.
  2. Uncertainty About What to Say: You might be unsure of what to say in your initial contact message. Remember that a clear and concise message is best. Express your enthusiasm and willingness to learn. Use the provided email script as a template and tailor it to your specific situation. Be yourself and show your genuine interest.


Email Script for Requesting to Shadow a Doctor

Subject: Shadowing Request – [Your Name]

Dear Dr. [Doctor’s Last Name],

I hope this email finds you well. My name is [Your Name], and I am currently a [Your Year] pre-medical student at [Your University]. I am writing to express my deep interest in the field of [Specialty] and my eagerness to shadow a seasoned professional like yourself.

I am passionate about pursuing a career in medicine and believe that shadowing will provide me with invaluable insights into [Specialty]. I am particularly drawn to your work because of [mention any specific aspect or reason]. I am committed to learning from your experience and expertise.

I understand that your schedule may be quite busy, and I want to emphasize my flexibility. I am more than willing to adjust my availability to accommodate yours. Your guidance and mentorship would mean a lot to me.

Thank you for considering my request. I am genuinely excited about the opportunity to shadow you and learn from your vast knowledge. I look forward to the possibility of working with you and gaining a deeper understanding of the field.


Warm regards,

[Your Full Name]

[Your Contact Information]


Phone Script for Requesting to Shadow a Doctor

(When calling, ensure to introduce yourself and be courteous. You can use the following script as a guideline.)

“Hello, my name is [Your Name], and I’m a pre-medical student at [Your University]. I’m calling to express my interest in shadowing you to gain insights into the field of [Specialty]. I have a deep passion for medicine and believe that shadowing an experienced professional like yourself would provide me with a profound learning experience. I understand your schedule may be quite hectic, and I want to emphasize my flexibility. I’m more than willing to work around your schedule to make this as convenient as possible. Your guidance and mentorship mean a lot to me, and I am eager to learn from your expertise. Thank you for considering my request.”


Expressing Gratitude After a Shadowing Experience 

Your shadowing experience has been an invaluable step on your path to medical school. Now, it’s crucial to express your gratitude to the doctors and medical professionals who opened their doors to you. In this section, we’ll emphasize the importance of thank-you messages and explain how to show your appreciation.

The Importance of Thank-You Messages

A thank-you message after a shadowing experience serves the following purposes:

  1. It acknowledges the time and guidance of the doctor or healthcare professional.
  2. It leaves a lasting impression of professionalism and courtesy.
  3. It opens doors for future shadowing or mentorship opportunities.

It is important to express gratitude after a shadowing experience, as it is a way to show appreciation and build professional relationships.

How to Show Appreciation to the Doctor

There are five ways to thank a doctor for shadowing you:

  1. Handwritten thank-you note
  2. Email message
  3. Follow-up phone call
  4. Gift of appreciation
  5. Stay in touch

The most important thing is to be sincere and express your gratitude in a way that is meaningful to you and the doctor.

What to Do If You Can’t Find an Available Doctor to Shadow

Shadowing doctors is an invaluable experience, but it’s not always easy to secure these opportunities, especially in competitive medical environments. If you’re finding it challenging to find an available doctor to shadow, don’t be disheartened. There are alternative paths that can be equally enriching.  In this section, we’ll explore those alternatives, with a particular focus on volunteering opportunities.


1. Volunteering in a Clinical Setting

If shadowing opportunities are scarce, consider volunteering in a clinical setting. While it may not involve the same level of observation as shadowing, volunteering allows you to be an active participant in healthcare. You can help with administrative tasks, interact with patients, and get a feel for the healthcare environment. Contact local hospitals, clinics, and healthcare centers to inquire about their volunteer programs. They often have specific roles for volunteers, and your dedication can open doors to more hands-on experiences in the future.

Read More: The Ultimate Guide to Clinical Experience for Medical School


2. Participating in Research Projects

Many medical professionals are involved in research projects. Volunteering to assist with research not only provides you with a unique perspective on the medical field but also allows you to work closely with experts in the field. It’s an excellent way to gain exposure to healthcare practices. Example: You might work on a research project related to a specific medical condition, contributing to the development of new treatments or diagnostic methods. This experience can be valuable for your medical school application.


3. Exploring Telehealth Opportunities

With the rise of telehealth, some doctors and medical facilities offer opportunities to assist in virtual patient care. Although you won’t be in a physical clinic, you can still gain valuable experience in patient interaction and the use of medical technology. Statistics: Telehealth has seen significant growth, with a 154% increase in remote patient monitoring in 2020. Exploring telehealth opportunities can provide insights into the future of healthcare.


4. Attending Medical Workshops and Conferences

Medical workshops and conferences often provide insights into the latest advancements in healthcare. Attending these events can be educational and help you network with professionals who may offer future shadowing opportunities. Keep an eye on local and national medical conferences. These events may offer student discounts, and they’re an excellent way to connect with medical professionals and researchers.


5. Connect with Medical Students

If you’re unable to shadow a doctor, consider connecting with medical students. They often have their own experiences to share and may allow you to shadow them during their clinical rotations. Reach out to medical students at your university or through online forums. Many are open to sharing their experiences and may provide insights into what to expect in clinical settings.



In your quest to become a medical professional, the experience of shadowing a doctor is an invaluable stepping stone. This comprehensive guide has provided you with essential insights and actionable advice on how to ask, prepare, and make the most of your shadowing opportunities. 

Let’s summarize the key takeaways:


– Shadowing is Essential: Shadowing doctors is not just a checkbox on your path to medical school; it’s a gateway to understanding the realities of the medical field and gaining insights that classroom learning can’t provide.


– Choosing the Right Doctor: Selecting the right doctor to shadow is crucial. Consider your interests, goals, and the medical specialty that resonates with you.


– Effective Communication: When reaching out to doctors, professionalism and effective communication are paramount. Craft a thoughtful request and express your enthusiasm.


– Preparation Matters: Be prepared for your shadowing experience. Understand the protocols, maintain patient confidentiality, and take notes to maximize your learning.


– Diverse Shadowing Opportunities: Explore various medical specialties to gain a broader perspective and enhance your problem-solving skills.


– Gratitude is Key: After your shadowing experience, express your gratitude through thank-you messages. This is not only polite but also an opportunity to leave a positive impression.


Shadowing is not just a box to check on your journey to medical school; it’s an immersive learning experience that will shape your understanding of healthcare and your aspirations as a medical professional. Each moment spent in the company of doctors and healthcare professionals will contribute to your growth, knowledge, and determination to make a difference in the lives of patients.


We invite you to continue your preparation and exploration by starting a Free Trial on Jack Westin, an educational organization dedicated to enhancing your critical thinking skills and MCAT preparation. Their resources and support will further empower your journey toward becoming a successful medical professional. Embrace the opportunities that await, and let your passion for medicine shine.

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