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Blog / Intersection Of Technology MCAT Preparation What You Must Know

Intersection of Technology & MCAT Preparation: What You Must Know

Written by Seza on Nov 6, 2023

Intersection of Technology & MCAT Preparation: What You Must Know

The MCAT is just around the corner, and you’re not sure if you’re ready. You’ve been studying hard, but you can’t help but feel like you’re not doing enough. You’ve heard that technology can be a great way to prepare for the MCAT, but you’re not sure where to start.

We know MCAT is a challenging exam that requires a significant amount of preparation. And in recent years, technology has become increasingly integrated into the MCAT preparation process. 

This blog post will discuss how you can leverage technology to improve your MCAT preparation and what you need to know about the intersection of technology and MCAT preparation.

So whether you’re a first-time MCAT taker or looking to improve your score, read on for some helpful tips on using technology to your advantage.


Benefits of Using Technology for MCAT Preparation 

1. Access to High-Quality MCAT Preparation Materials.

There are many online resources that offer MCAT preparation materials, such as practice questions, flashcards, and study guides. These resources can be a valuable tool for helping you learn the material covered on the MCAT. 

For example, Jack Westin offers online MCAT prep courses that include practice questions, videos, and study guides.


2. Track Your Studying Progress to Identify Areas of Improvement.

Several online tools are available to track your progress on practice questions and flashcards, which can assist you in identifying areas where you need to concentrate your study time. One such online tool is the MCAT Self-Assessment offered by the AAMC, allowing you to take practice tests and keep track of your improvement for free.


3. Gamification of Learning

Learning can be tedious and monotonous, but technology has made it possible to transform the learning experience into a fun and engaging activity. With gamification, students can earn points, badges, and rewards for completing tasks and achieving milestones. 

This not only makes learning more enjoyable but also motivates students to put in the time and effort necessary to excel on the MCAT. Games, quizzes, and interactive simulations can help students retain information better and improve their critical thinking skills.


4. Stay Motivated. 

The MCAT is a long and challenging exam, and it can be quite challenging to stay motivated throughout the preparation process. But technology can help you stay on track and motivated by providing access to support groups, study buddies, and other resources. 

For example, the AAMC offers a free online community called the MCAT Central Forum, where you can connect with other MCAT test-takers and get support and advice.


5. Customize Your MCAT Preparation. 

The use of technology for MCAT preparation is highly versatile, with multiple options. You may opt for online courses, various apps, or even search for practice questions online. This flexibility permits you to tailor your MCAT preparation based on your preferred learning style and schedule. 

For instance, you can use an online course to understand the material and then utilize flashcards and practice questions for additional practice.


6. Save Time and Money.

Many online MCAT preparation resources are free or very affordable. This can save you much time and money compared to traditional MCAT preparation methods, such as taking a prep course.

Read More: Best Time Management Strategy for MCAT


7. Access Study Materials from Anywhere.

With the internet, you can access MCAT preparation materials from anywhere in the world. This is especially helpful if you live in a rural area or have a busy schedule with no MCAT prep courses available. For example, you could use an online course or app to study while you’re on the go.


8. Increased Efficiency 

Utilizing technology can significantly enhance the efficiency of your MCAT preparation. Technology offers numerous ways to boost your productivity while studying. 

For instance, online courses enable you to learn the material at your own pace while practice questions and flashcards help you to master the concepts. 

Furthermore, various online tools are available to help you track your progress and pinpoint the areas where you need to improve. 


Challenges of Using Technology for MCAT Preparation 

1. Technical Issues

Technical difficulties can be frustrating and time-consuming, and they can disrupt the learning process. 

For example, slow internet speeds can cause videos to buffer, making it difficult to watch instructional videos or complete online practice tests. Device malfunctions, such as a computer crashing or a tablet running out of battery, can also interrupt study sessions.


2. Distractions

Technology is also a source of distraction, especially with social media and other online activities competing for a student’s attention. 

It can be challenging to resist the urge to check notifications, emails, or messages while studying. One way to avoid distractions is to turn off notifications and put the phone in silent mode while studying.


3. Limited Interaction

Some students may feel isolated when studying with technology, as there may be limited interaction with instructors and other students. 

For example, if a student has a question or is struggling to understand a concept, they may have to wait for a response from the instructor or rely on a chatbot for help. This can lead to frustration and a lack of engagement in the learning process.


4. Inadequate Feedback

When studying with technology, students may not receive adequate feedback on their performance, making it difficult to monitor progress and identify areas for improvement. 

For example, if a student completes an online practice test, they may receive a score but not know which questions they got wrong or why. This can make it challenging to target areas for improvement and to develop an effective study plan.


5. Over-reliance on Technology: 

While technology is a valuable tool for MCAT preparation, students may become overly reliant on it and neglect traditional study methods. For example, some students may rely solely on online resources and not read textbooks or take handwritten notes. This can be problematic because research has shown that handwriting notes can help with retention and recall.


6. Online Security and Privacy Concerns

Online learning platforms can be vulnerable to security breaches, putting students’ personal information at risk.

For example, if a student’s login credentials are stolen, their personal and financial information could be compromised. This can be especially concerning for students who may not have a strong understanding of online security and privacy.


7. Cost

While many free resources are available online for MCAT preparation, some high-quality resources may require a subscription fee or upfront costs for software and hardware. 

For example, some online prep courses can cost hundreds or even thousands of dollars. This can make it difficult for students who may not have the financial means to invest in these resources.


8. Limited Access

Not all students may have access to the necessary technology and internet connections required for online MCAT preparation, especially those living in remote or low-income areas. 

For example, students who live in rural areas may not have access to high-speed internet, making it difficult to stream videos or complete online practice tests. This can be a significant disadvantage for these students, who may need access to the same resources as their peers.


Best Technology to Use for MCAT Preparation

From mobile apps to online study materials, there are countless resources available to students at the touch of a button. But with so many options, it’s a bit overwhelming to decide which technology to use. 

That’s why exploring and comparing the best technology available for MCAT preparation is essential. Whether you’re looking for an app that can simulate practice exams or an interactive study guide, there’s technology out there that can meet your specific needs.

Here’s a list of popular MCAT preparation materials you can find in the technology arena:

  • Jack Westin’s Online Courses – Jack Westin offers a comprehensive online course covering all MCAT aspects. Their course includes over 100 hours of video instruction, 200+ passages, and personalized feedback. Their approach emphasizes critical thinking and strategy, making it one of the best MCAT prep courses available.


  • Anki Flashcards – Anki is a popular flashcard app that can be customized for MCAT preparation. It uses spaced repetition to help students memorize key concepts and facts. Anki’s algorithm adapts to the user’s performance, ensuring they focus on the areas they need to improve the most.


  • Khan Academy – Khan Academy offers a range of free MCAT preparation resources, including video lectures, practice questions, and full-length exams. Their materials cover all subjects tested on the MCAT, making it an excellent resource for comprehensive preparation.


5 Tips for Successfully Utilizing Technology for MCAT Preparation 

1. Choose the Right Technology

Make sure the software or app you’re using is specifically designed for MCAT preparation and covers all the topics you need to study. Do some research and read reviews to find the best technology for your needs.


2. Create a Study Plan

Technology can provide many resources for MCAT preparation, but it’s essential to create a study plan that includes a mix of online and offline activities. Set specific goals for each study session and use technology to supplement your study plan. 

For example, use online practice tests to assess your progress and target areas for improvement.


3. Stay Organized

With so many online resources available for MCAT preparation, it’s easy to get overwhelmed. Stay organized by creating folders for different types of materials and keeping track of your progress. This helps you stay focused and motivated.


4. Use Technology to Connect with Others

Although studying with technology can be isolating, it’s important to connect with others who are also preparing for the MCAT. Join online study groups, attend virtual review sessions, and take part in online forums to connect with other students and instructors.


5. Take Breaks

When studying with technology, it’s essential to take breaks to avoid burnout and eye strain. Take short breaks every hour and use technology to incorporate physical activity into your study routine. 

For example, use a fitness app to do a quick workout between study sessions or take a walk while listening to an MCAT podcast.



Technology has revolutionized the way students prepare for the MCAT. From online courses to mobile apps, there are countless resources available to help students achieve their goals. By embracing technology and incorporating it into your study routine, you can make the most of your time and feel confident and prepared on test day. 

However, it’s essential to understand the benefits and limitations of technology and choose the right resources that fit your unique learning style and needs. With the right approach, technology can be a powerful tool to help students succeed on the MCAT. 

And when it comes to professional help, there’s no better choice than Jack Westin. We offer expert guidance and support that can help students achieve their best scores. Don’t hesitate to contact us for a free consultation and start your MCAT preparation journey today!

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