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Blog / Jack Westins Best MCAT Cars Strategies

Jack Westin’s Best MCAT CARS Strategies

Written by Seza on Feb 8, 2024

Jack Westin’s Best MCAT CARS Strategies

Preparing for the MCAT can be daunting, but mastering the Critical Analysis and Reasoning Skills (CARS) section is essential for success. 

Fortunately, there are experts like Jack Westin who have dedicated their careers to helping students conquer this challenging section of the MCAT. With his proven track record of success, Jack Westin has become a leading authority on MCAT CARS preparation. 

This blog post will explore Jack Westin’s best MCAT CARS strategies, including his approaches to test-taking, exam preparation, reading comprehension, text analysis, and more. By the end of this post, you’ll have the tools you need to approach the MCAT CARS section with confidence and achieve your highest possible score.



The CARS (Critical Analysis and Reasoning Skills) section of the MCAT (Medical College Admission Test) is a 90-minute section that tests students’ abilities to understand, analyze, and evaluate complex text passages. 

This section consists of 53 multiple-choice questions based on nine passages, each about 500-600 words long. They are drawn from various fields, including the humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences, and are designed to test students’ critical thinking and reading comprehension skills. 

Unlike the other sections of the MCAT, the CARS section does not require any specific content knowledge but rather assesses students’ abilities to interpret and analyze written material, make inferences, and draw conclusions. 

As a result, CARS is often considered the most challenging section of the MCAT, as it requires careful attention to detail, strong reading skills, and the ability to reason logically and critically.

Read More: How the Scoring for MCAT CARS Work?


1. Test-Taking Strategies

Jack’s strategies help students navigate the complex and challenging questions they will encounter on the exam. For example, one of Jack’s key test-taking strategies is prioritizing time management. He encourages students to read the passages carefully but efficiently, skimming and scanning for key information and using active reading techniques such as note-taking and passage mapping to stay engaged with the material. 

Jack also emphasizes the importance of focusing on the passage’s main idea and using evidence-based reasoning to answer questions. 

Jack Westin’s Strategy for Test-Taking

Developing a test-taking strategy is essential for success in the MCAT CARS section. This is because the CARS section is challenging in terms of the complexity and density of its passages and the way that questions are designed to test a student’s critical thinking and reasoning skills. 

With a clear test-taking strategy, students may be able to efficiently read and analyze passages, identify the main idea, and evaluate the author’s argument. Furthermore, the MCAT is a timed exam, with strict time limits for each section. 


2. Exam Preparation

Preparing for the MCAT CARS section requires a combination of content review, practice exams, and test-taking strategies. One effective way to begin preparing is by reviewing key concepts in reading comprehension, text analysis, and critical thinking. This can include studying vocabulary commonly used in the humanities and social sciences and understanding the structure and components of persuasive arguments. 

In addition to content review, taking practice exams is essential for success in the MCAT CARS section. Practice exams allow students to simulate test day conditions and practice implementing their test-taking strategies in a timed setting. 

They also help students identify areas where they need improvement and track their progress over time. Jack Westin’s website, for example, provides students with daily CARS practice passages to help them build their skills and confidence.

Another critical aspect of preparing for the MCAT CARS section is developing effective test-taking strategies, as discussed earlier. Students should practice applying these strategies to practice exams and passages to refine their skills and build confidence.

What Is Jack Westin’s Strategy?

Jack Westin has developed a unique approach to MCAT CARS preparation that emphasizes daily practice and a “less is more” philosophy when it comes to studying. His approach is centered around building strong reading skills, analytical thinking, and reasoning abilities, all essential for mastering the CARS section.

One of the key features of Jack’s approach is his daily CARS passages, designed to provide students with regular practice in reading and analyzing dense, complex passages, as well as answering challenging questions. 

These daily passages are available on his website and are curated from a variety of sources, including academic journals and popular media outlets. By practicing daily, students can build their skills and confidence over time and identify areas where they may need improvement.

Jack also believes in the philosophy of “less is more” when studying for the MCAT CARS section. Instead of trying to memorize an overwhelming amount of content, he encourages students to focus on developing strong foundational skills in reading, critical thinking, and reasoning. By doing so, students can approach the CARS section with confidence and a strong set of test-taking strategies rather than simply trying to recall information they have memorized.

Read More: Dimmensifying 5 Common CARS Strategies

3. Reading Comprehension

Strong reading comprehension skills are crucial for CARS. This is because the CARS section is designed to test a student’s ability to read and comprehend dense, complex passages, and draw logical conclusions and make evidence-based arguments based on that information.

Strong reading comprehension skills allow students to read and analyze passages more quickly and efficiently, which is essential for managing time effectively on the MCAT. It also helps students identify the main idea and key arguments presented in the passage, which is critical for answering questions accurately and confidently.

Furthermore, strong reading comprehension skills are essential for understanding the author’s perspective and evaluating the argument presented in the passage. This includes understanding the author’s assumptions, evaluating the evidence presented, and identifying potential biases or flaws in the argument.

In summary, having strong reading comprehension skills is essential for CARS. It allows students to read and analyze passages efficiently, identify the main idea and key arguments, and critically evaluate the author’s perspective and argument.

Jack Westin’s active reading approach 

Jack Westin’s active reading approach is a valuable strategy for improving reading comprehension and is especially effective for tackling the dense, complex passages found in the CARS section.

Active reading involves engaging with the text deliberately and purposefully rather than simply reading passively. This can include techniques such as underlining or highlighting key information, taking notes on essential details, and summarizing key points in one’s own words. By actively engaging with the text, students are better able to retain information and understand the author’s argument.

One of the key benefits of active reading is that it helps students identify the main idea and key arguments presented in the passage. Underline or highligh essential information to quickly identify the most important concepts and ideas presented in the text. 

Similarly, by taking notes and summarizing key points, students can create a mental roadmap of the passage and ensure they understand the overall argument being presented.

Another benefit of active reading is that it helps students retain information more effectively.


4. Text Analysis

Analyzing a CARS passage is a critical component of the MCAT CARS section. Here are some key steps for analyzing a CARS passage:

  • Read the passage carefully: Start by reading the passage thoroughly, paying attention to the author’s arguments, the evidence presented, and any counterarguments or opposing viewpoints.
  • Identify the author’s main point: Once you have read the passage, try to identify the author’s main point or thesis. This is the argument that the author is trying to make, and it should be stated clearly and succinctly. Look for clues such as the author’s use of language, the structure of the passage, and any conclusions that the author draws.
  • Consider the author’s purpose: Besides identifying the main point, it is important to consider why the author is making this argument. What is the author’s purpose, and what do they hope to accomplish by making this argument? Is the author trying to persuade the reader of a particular viewpoint, or are they simply neutrally presenting information?
  • Evaluate the evidence: As you read the passage, pay close attention to the evidence that the author presents to support their argument. Evaluate the quality and relevance of this evidence, and consider whether there are any weaknesses or flaws in the author’s reasoning.
  • Identify key themes: Finally, try to identify any key themes or motifs in the passage. These include recurring ideas or concepts or common rhetorical strategies the author uses. Understanding these themes can help you make connections between different parts of the passage and gain a deeper understanding of the author’s argument.

Jack Westin’s Passage Mapping Technique

Jack Westin’s passage mapping technique is valuable for analyzing complex CARS passages on the MCAT. This technique involves breaking down the passage into smaller, more manageable sections and then visually representing the key ideas and arguments presented in each section.

By creating a visual map of the passage, students can better understand how the author’s arguments are structured and how different ideas are connected. This can help them identify the main point of the passage, as well as any supporting arguments or evidence.

To create a passage map:

  1. Start by breaking the passage down into smaller sections, such as paragraphs or even individual sentences.
  2. Create a visual representation of each section, using symbols, colors, or other visual cues to highlight key ideas and arguments
  3. Connect each section to the others, showing how they are related and how they build upon one another to support the author’s overall argument.

Some of the key benefits of passage mapping include:

  • Improved comprehension: By breaking the passage down into smaller sections and visualizing key ideas and arguments, students can better understand the author’s overall argument and approach the MCAT CARS section with greater confidence and skill.
  • Greater efficiency: By creating a passage map, students can quickly identify key points in the passage and avoid getting bogged down in irrelevant details or arguments.
  • Improved memory retention: By creating a visual representation of the passage, students are more likely to remember key ideas and arguments, which can help them answer MCAT CARS questions more accurately and efficiently.


5. Skimming and Scanning

Skimming and scanning are two effective techniques for quickly reviewing a CARS passage and identifying key information. Skimming involves quickly reading through the passage to get a general idea of the author’s argument and key points. In contrast, scanning involves looking for specific information or keywords within the passage.

Here are some tips for effective skimming and scanning of CARS passages:

  • Start by reading the introduction and conclusion carefully: The introduction and conclusion are often the most important parts of a CARS passage, as they provide the author’s main point and overall argument.
  • Look for topic sentences: Topic sentences are usually located at the beginning of a paragraph and provide a summary of the main idea presented in that paragraph. Skimming for topic sentences can help you quickly understand the structure and organization of the passage.
  • Pay attention to headings and subheadings: Many CARS passages are structured with headings and subheadings that can help you quickly identify the main topics and arguments presented.
  • Scan for keywords: Scanning involves quickly looking for specific words or phrases within the passage. This can be useful when searching for specific information or when looking for evidence to support an argument.
  • Use your fingers to guide your eyes: As you skim or scan the passage, use your fingers to guide your eyes and keep you focused. This can help improve your speed and efficiency.
  • Take brief notes: While skimming or scanning, take brief notes on key ideas or arguments presented. This can help you remember key information and focus on the author’s main point.

Jack Westin’s Strategy for Skimming and Scanning

Jack Westin, a leading expert in MCAT CARS preparation, offers several tips for effectively skimming and scanning CARS passages. One of his key tips is to focus on the first and last sentences of paragraphs, as they often contain the most important information and can summarize the main point presented in that paragraph.

Read the first sentence of each paragraph to quickly identify the main topic and argument presented in that section. Similarly, reading the last sentence of each paragraph can help you identify the author’s conclusion or final thoughts on that particular topic.

Another tip offered by Jack Westin is to pay attention to transition words and phrases, such as “however,” “in contrast,” or “moreover,” as they can help you identify the author’s argument and the relationship between different ideas presented in the passage.

In addition, Jack Westin emphasizes the importance of practicing skimming and scanning techniques regularly to improve your speed and efficiency. By practicing these skills, you can become more adept at quickly identifying key information in a passage and answering questions on the MCAT CARS section more accurately and efficiently.

Read More: Improve CATS Score in 3 Stages


6. Note-Taking

Note-taking is a powerful tool for retaining information and identifying key points in a CARS passage. When taking notes, you are forced to actively engage with the material, which helps to improve your understanding and retention of the information presented. 

Here are some ways that note-taking can help with CARS preparation:

  • Organize information: Note-taking can help you organize the information presented in a CARS passage to make it easier to understand and retain. Summarize key ideas and arguments in your own words to create a more concise and coherent representation of the material.
  • Identify key points: Note-taking can help you identify the most important points and arguments presented in a passage. Underline or highlight key information to quickly identify the author’s main point and supporting evidence.
  • Improve retention: Note-taking can help you remember information more effectively by forcing you to engage actively with the material. Summarize key ideas and concepts in your own words to remember them later on.
  • Facilitate review: By taking notes while reading a CARS passage, you can create a summary of the material that is easy to review later on. This can be especially helpful when studying for the MCAT CARS section, as you can quickly review the key points and arguments presented in a passage without rereading the entire text.

Jack Westin’s Note-Taking Method

Jack Westin, a leading expert in MCAT CARS preparation, emphasizes the importance of note-taking as a key strategy for improving comprehension and retention of information in CARS passages. He offers a specific note-taking method that involves summarizing key points and arguments in your own words, which can help you better understand and remember the material.

Westin’s note-taking method involves reading through the passage once and identifying the main idea and supporting arguments. He then suggests summarizing each paragraph in a few words or phrases, focusing on the author’s argument and evidence. Finally, he suggests writing a brief summary of the passage in your own words to help you better understand and remember the main points presented.

This method not only helps with comprehension and retention of the material but it also facilitates efficient review. By creating a brief summary of the passage in your own words, you can quickly review the key points and arguments presented without having to reread the entire text.

Read More: Improve Your Mindset to Start CARS

7. Main Idea Identification

Identifying the main idea of a CARS passage is essential for answering questions in CARS. The main idea is the central theme or message of the passage, and all other ideas and arguments presented in the passage should relate back to it in some way. 

Here are a few reasons why identifying the main idea is so important:

  1. Helps with comprehension: Understanding the main idea of a passage can help you better comprehend the information presented. By knowing the central theme or message, you can better understand how the ideas and arguments presented in the passage relate.
  2. Provides context: The main idea provides context for the information presented in the passage. By understanding the central theme or message, you can better understand why the author presents the information and their purpose.
  3. Guides answer selection: The main idea can help guide your selection of the correct answer. By understanding the central theme or message, you can eliminate answer choices unrelated to the main idea and focus on those that are.
  4. Helps with time management: Identifying the main idea can save time by helping you focus on the most important information presented in the passage. This can help you answer questions more efficiently and effectively.

Jack Westin’s Strategy for Identifying the Main Idea

Jack Westin, a leading expert in MCAT CARS preparation, offers several tips for identifying the main idea of a CARS passage. One of his key strategies involves looking for key phrases or words that repeatedly appear throughout the passage, as they can often signal the main idea.

For example, if a passage uses the phrase “climate change” or “global warming” repeatedly, the main idea of the passage is likely related to those topics. Therefore, Westin also suggests looking for words or phrases that are emphasized or given special attention, as they can also indicate the main idea.

Another strategy that Westin recommends is to look for repetition of ideas or arguments throughout the passage. The main idea is usually the central theme or message that ties together all the ideas and arguments presented in the passage. Identify which ideas or arguments are repeated throughout the passage to understand the central theme or message better and, thus, identify the main idea.

Read More: 10 MCAT CARS Tips That Really Help!

8. Inference-Making

Making inferences based on a CARS passage involves using clues and information presented in the passage to draw logical conclusions that are not explicitly stated. To make inferences effectively, it is essential to understand the passage’s context and use prior knowledge.

One strategy for making inferences is to look for context clues, such as specific details or examples, to help you understand the meaning behind what is being said. For example, if a passage discusses the effects of pollution on wildlife, you may infer that pollution is harmful to the environment and that wildlife is negatively impacted by it.

Another strategy is to use prior knowledge to fill in gaps in understanding. This involves drawing on your own knowledge and experience to make logical connections between ideas presented in the passage. For example, if a passage discusses a scientific concept you are familiar with, you can use that knowledge to infer additional information about the topic being discussed.

It is important to note that inferences should be based on the passage’s evidence, not personal biases or assumptions. To make accurate inferences, it is essential to carefully analyze the information presented in the passage and consider all possible interpretations before drawing conclusions.

Jack Westin’s Strategy for Making Inferences

Jack Westin’s approach to making inferences involves looking for context clues and using prior knowledge and paying attention to the author’s tone and perspective. He emphasizes the importance of understanding the author’s intent and perspective when making inferences about the passage.

According to Westin, the author’s tone can provide valuable clues about their perspective on the discussed topic. For example, if the author uses critical or negative language, you may infer that they have a negative view of the subject.

Westin also emphasizes the importance of understanding the author’s perspective and point of view when making inferences. Consider the author’s background and beliefs to gain insight into their perspective on the discussed topic, which can help you make more accurate inferences about the passage.

9. Argument Analysis

When analyzing arguments in a CARS passage, it’s important to identify the premises and conclusions of the author’s argument. Premises are the supporting reasons or evidence that the author uses to support their argument, while the conclusion is the main point or claim that the author is making.

To identify the premises and conclusions in a CARS passage, start by looking for key phrases that indicate an argument is being made. Phrases like “therefore,” “because,” or “since” can signal that the author is making a claim and providing reasons to support it.

Next, identify the main claim or conclusion of the argument. This is often stated explicitly in the passage but may also need to be inferred from the author’s overall message.

Once you have identified the main claim and supporting premises, evaluate the strength of the argument. Are the premises relevant and logically connected to the conclusion? Is there any evidence or information that undermines the author’s argument?

Jack Westin’s Strategy for Argument Analysis

Jack Westin’s tips for argument analysis include focusing on the author’s evidence and assumptions. To analyze an argument effectively, it’s important to understand the evidence and reasoning that the author uses to support their claim. This includes evaluating the quality of the evidence and determining whether the author’s assumptions are reasonable.

One way to do this is to identify the specific examples or data the author uses to support their argument. Are these examples relevant and convincing? Do they support the author’s overall claim? It’s also important to look for any gaps in the author’s evidence or reasoning and any assumptions that the author makes without providing evidence to support them.

Another key aspect of argument analysis is evaluating the author’s logic and reasoning. Are the author’s claims logically connected to their evidence and assumptions? Do they use any fallacies or faulty reasoning? By identifying these issues, you can better understand the strengths and weaknesses of the author’s argument.

10. Evidence-Based Reasoning

Using evidence from a CARS passage is crucial for answering questions and supporting arguments in CARS. One way to effectively use evidence is to locate and cite specific details from the passage to support your answer or argument. This can include direct quotes, paraphrased information, or even general ideas relevant to the question or argument.

It’s important to ensure that your evidence is relevant and directly supports your answer or argument. This means carefully analyzing the question or argument and selecting evidence most applicable to the situation. It’s also important to avoid using evidence out of context, as this can weaken the strength of your answer or argument.

In addition to using evidence directly from the passage, it’s also essential to consider the author’s perspective and context. This can help you interpret the evidence and understand how it supports the author’s argument or point of view.

Jack Westin’s Strategy for Evidence-Based Reasoning

Jack Westin’s approach to evidence-based reasoning in CARS emphasizes the importance of using specific examples from the passage to support your answers and arguments. By closely analyzing the passage and selecting relevant examples, you can strengthen the validity and credibility of your answers.

In addition to using specific examples, Westin also emphasizes the importance of considering the author’s perspective and the overall context of the passage. 

Underline the author’s point of view and the purpose of the passage to effectively interpret and apply the evidence in your answers and arguments.

11. Logic and Reasoning

Logic and reasoning skills are necessary for success in CARS. This section assesses your ability to think critically, analyze complex ideas, and draw valid conclusions based on evidence.

Strong logic and reasoning skills allow you to identify patterns, connections, and relationships between ideas presented in the passage, which can help you to answer questions effectively and provide strong arguments. These skills also allow you to identify flaws or weaknesses in arguments and develop counterarguments based on sound reasoning.

In the MCAT CARS section, you will encounter passages that present complex arguments and ideas, and you will be required to analyze and evaluate these arguments using your logic and reasoning skills. The ability to evaluate an argument’s strength and identify fallacies and biases is a crucial part of critical thinking and is highly valued by medical schools.

Jack Westin’s Strategy for Improving Logic and Reasoning

Jack Westin’s approach to MCAT CARS preparation emphasizes developing logic and reasoning skills, which are essential for success in this section. One of his key tips for improving these skills is to thoroughly understand logical fallacies, which are common errors in reasoning that can weaken an argument.

Recognize logical fallacies in a passage to better evaluate the strength of the argument and avoid falling prey to faulty reasoning. Jack Westin also emphasizes the importance of identifying assumptions in an argument, which are often unstated but can significantly impact the argument’s validity.

In addition to understanding logical fallacies and identifying assumptions, Jack Westin recommends practicing deductive and inductive reasoning. 

Deductive reasoning involves drawing specific conclusions from general principles, while inductive reasoning is about drawing general conclusions from particular observations. Both forms of reasoning are important for CARS, and can be developed through practice and targeted study.

Read More: Many Don’t Know Where to Start MCAT CARS



Mastering the CARS section of the MCAT requires a combination of skills, strategies, and practice. Jack Westin, a leading expert in MCAT CARS preparation, offers a comprehensive approach to this section that includes daily CARS passages, active reading techniques, passage mapping, note-taking, and logic and reasoning skills. 

Following his tips and methods can boost your performance and confidence on test day. If you’re ready to take your MCAT CARS preparation to the next level, we recommend scheduling a free consultation with Jack Westin. 

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to learn from one of the best in the business and improve your chances of success.

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