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Blog / Jack Westins Guide To MCAT Organic Chemistry

Jack Westin’s Guide to MCAT Organic Chemistry

Written by Seza on Mar 26, 2024

Jack Westin’s Guide to MCAT Organic Chemistry

Is the looming shadow of MCAT organic chemistry giving you sleepless nights? Organic chemistry may seem like a daunting hurdle, but it’s actually a key to unlocking success on the MCAT. 

This comprehensive guide will be your compass, navigating you through the essential concepts tested on the exam and equipping you with the knowledge and strategies to conquer MCAT organic chemistry. 

From core concepts like functional groups to mastering reaction mechanisms and practice problems, we’ll unveil the secrets to acing this crucial section of the MCAT. 

So, let’s go.

See Also: MCAT Practice and MCAT Question of the Day | Organic Chemistry 


MCAT Organic Chemistry: Core Concepts

Core Concept Description
Molecular Structure Composition of atoms in organic molecules; arrangement of atoms determines molecule shape and reactivity.
Bonding in Organic Compounds Types of bonds (e.g., covalent, sigma, pi) between atoms in organic molecules influence stability and reactivity.
Functional Groups Specific arrangements of atoms within molecules impart unique chemical properties; crucial for predicting molecule behavior.
Stereochemistry Focuses on the three-dimensional arrangement of atoms in molecules; chirality (asymmetry) significant for unique molecule properties.
Reaction Mechanisms Specific pathways involving bond formation and breaking in organic chemistry reactions; understanding key for predicting outcomes.


1. Molecular Structure 

Molecular structure refers to the arrangement of atoms in a molecule. It includes the types of bonds (single, double, or triple) between the atoms and the shape of the molecule. The structure of a molecule determines its physical and chemical properties.

2. Bonding in Organic Compounds 

Organic compounds primarily consist of carbon atoms bonded to hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, sulfur, and other carbon atoms. The type of bond (covalent, ionic, or metallic) and its strength significantly influence the compound’s properties. For instance, carbon-carbon single bonds (C-C) are strong and stable, while carbon-carbon double bonds (C=C) are more reactive.

3. Functional Groups and Their Properties 

Functional groups are specific groupings of atoms within molecules that have their own characteristic properties, regardless of the other atoms present in the molecule. Common functional groups include hydroxyl (-OH), carbonyl (C=O), carboxyl (-COOH), and amino (-NH2) groups. These groups largely determine the molecule’s reactivity and polarity.

4. Stereochemistry

Chirality refers to the property of a molecule that is not superimposable on its mirror image. Such molecules, called chiral molecules, often come in pairs called enantiomers. Enantiomers can have drastically different biological effects. For example, one enantiomer of a drug may be beneficial, while the other may be harmful.

5. Reaction Mechanisms

A reaction mechanism describes the step-by-step process by which reactants are converted into products. It includes details about the breaking and forming of bonds, the order in which these events occur, and the changes in energy and structure along the way. Understanding reaction mechanisms is crucial for predicting the outcomes of reactions and designing new ones.

See Also: Carboxylic Acids Important Reactions – MCAT Content


MCAT Organic Chemistry Sample Questions

Question 1

Regiochemistry and Mechanism

Which product is the major outcome of the following reaction?

BrCH2CH2CH=CH2 + HCl ➡️ ?

  1. A) CH3CH2CH2CH2Br
    B) CH3CH2CH(Br)CH3
    C) CH3CHBrCH2CH3
    D) CH2=CHCH2CH2Br


This question tests your understanding of regioselectivity in alkene addition reactions. HCl follows Markovnikov’s rule, adding the H+ to the more substituted carbon of the double bond. 

Answer (B) places the Br where the positive charge forms, making it the major product.


Question 2

Spectroscopy and Functional Group Identification

An IR spectrum shows a broad peak at 3300 cm^-1 and a strong peak at 1700 cm^-1. Which functional group is most likely present in the molecule?

  1. A) Alcohol
    B) Amine
    C) Aldehyde
    D) Carboxylic Acid


The broad peak at 3300 cm^-1 corresponds to O-H stretching, indicating a possible alcohol or carboxylic acid. The strong peak at 1700 cm^-1 points towards a carbonyl group (C=O). 

Carboxylic acids have both O-H and C=O functionalities, making answer (D) the most likely choice.

See Also: Alcohols Important Reactions – MCAT Content


Question 3

Stereochemistry and Chirality

The following molecule has:

“Structure with a central carbon with 4 different substituents:

  1. A) 1 chiral center
    B) 2 chiral centers
    C) No chiral centers
    D) Cannot be determined without additional information


A chiral center requires a tetrahedral carbon atom bonded to four different substituents. In this molecule, all four substituents attached to the central carbon are unique, making it a single chiral center. 

Answer (A) is correct.

Question 4

Aromaticity and Ring Stability

Which of the following compounds is NOT aromatic?

  1. A) Benzene
    B) Pyridine
    C) Furan
    D) Cyclobutadiene


Aromaticity requires a planar cyclic structure with 4n+2 delocalized pi electrons (where n is an integer). All options except cyclobutadiene fulfill these criteria. Cyclobutadiene has only 4 pi electrons, making it non-aromatic. 

Answer (D) is correct.

Question 5

Acid-Base Chemistry and pKa Values

Which of the following compounds is the strongest acid?

  1. A) CH3CH2OH (Ethanol)
    B) CH3COOH (Acetic Acid)
    C) CH3CH2SH (Ethanethiol)
    D) CH≡CH (Ethyne)


Acidity is directly related to the stability of the conjugate base. Acetic acid (CH3COOH) has a more stable conjugate base due to resonance compared to the others. Lower pKa signifies a stronger acid. 

Answer (B) is the strongest acid.

See Also: Strong Acids And Bases – MCAT Content


Question 6

Nucleophilic Acylation and Reactivity

Predict the order of reactivity of the following compounds towards nucleophilic acyl substitution:

  1. A) CH3COCl (Acetyl Chloride)
    B) CH3COOCH3 (Methyl Acetate)
    C) (CH3CO)2O (Acetic Anhydride)
    D) CH3COOH (Acetic Acid)


Nucleophilic acyl substitution involves the attack on the carbonyl carbon by a nucleophile. The order of reactivity is

  1. (CH3CO)2O (Acetic Anhydride): Most reactive due to the presence of two electron-withdrawing carbonyl groups, making the central carbon more electrophilic.
  2. CH3COCl (Acetyl Chloride): Highly reactive because the Cl is a good leaving group, facilitating nucleophilic attack.
  3. CH3COOCH3 (Methyl Acetate): Less reactive than the above due to the weaker leaving group (OCH3).
  4. CH3COOH (Acetic Acid): Least reactive as the conjugate base (acetate) is a poor leaving group.

See Also: Aldehydes And Ketones Important Reactions


Question 7

Regiochemistry and Functional Group Effects

Which alcohol is the major product formed in the following reaction?

CH3CH2CH=CH2 + Br2 -> ?

  1. A) 2-Bromobutane 
  2. B) 1-Bromobutane 
  3. C) 2,3-Dibromobutane 
  4. D) 1,2-Dibromobutane


This question tests your understanding of regioselectivity in alkene addition reactions. Bromine adds across the double bond in an anti-Markovnikov fashion due to the higher stability of the secondary carbocation formed compared to the primary one. 

Therefore, the major product is 2-bromobutane (A).


Question 8

Curly Arrow Mechanisms and Aromaticity

Predict the product of the following electrophilic aromatic substitution reaction:

NO2 + Br2 + FeBr3 ->?

  1. A) o-Nitrobromobenzene 
  2. B) m-Nitrobromobenzene 
  3. C) p-Nitrobromobenzene 
  4. D) Nitrobenzene


This question requires knowledge of curly arrow mechanisms and aromatic character. The nitro group is a strong deactivator and meta director. FeBr3 acts as a Lewis acid, activating the Br2 molecule. 

Using curved arrows, you can show how the electrophilic Br+ attacks the deactivated meta position of the nitrobenzene ring, forming m-Nitrobromobenzene (B).


Question 9

Spectroscopy and Functional Group Identification

An IR spectrum shows a broad peak at 3300 cm-1 and a sharp peak at 1700 cm-1. Which functional group is most likely present in the molecule?

  1. A) Alcohol 
  2. B) Amine 
  3. C) Aldehyde 
  4. D) Ketone


This question tests your ability to interpret IR spectra. The broad peak at 3300 cm-1 corresponds to O-H stretching, indicating the presence of an alcohol (A) or a carboxylic acid. However, the sharp peak at 1700 cm-1 signifies a carbonyl group (C=O). This eliminates carboxylic acids and points towards either an aldehyde (C) or a ketone (D). 

Since aldehydes have an additional peak for the aldehydic hydrogen around 2700 cm-1 (absent here), the molecule most likely contains a ketone (D).

See Also: Carboxylic Acids Important Reactions – MCAT Content


Question 10

Stereochemistry and Chiral Centers

(S)-2-butanol reacts with SOCl2 in pyridine to form a product. What is the configuration of the product?

  1. A) (R)-2-chlorobutane 
  2. B) (S)-2-chlorobutane 
  3. C) Racemic mixture of 2-chlorobutane 
  4. D) Cannot be determined


This question explores the concept of nucleophilic substitution with inversion of configuration. SOCl2 converts the hydroxyl group of (S)-2-butanol to a chlorine atom with inversion at the chiral center. 

Therefore, the product is (R)-2-chlorobutane (A).


MCAT Organic Chemistry Key Reactions

Organic chemistry is a cornerstone of the MCAT’s Biological Sciences section. Understanding the major reaction types is crucial for tackling MCAT problems. We’ll delve into five key categories: substitution, elimination, addition, and oxidation-reduction, and explore their mechanisms and applications.

1. Substitution Reactions

Imagine swapping out one atom or group of atoms in a molecule for another. That’s the essence of substitution reactions. There are two main types:

  • Nucleophilic substitution: A nucleophile (electron-rich) attacks an electrophile (electron-deficient), forming a new bond and kicking out a leaving group (often a halide).
  • Electrophilic substitution: An electrophile attacks a molecule with a pi (π) bond, forming a new bond and often creating a carbocation intermediate.

MCAT Tip: Be familiar with common nucleophiles (e.g., OH-, NH3) and electrophiles (e.g., halides, carbocations). Recognize good leaving groups (e.g., Cl-, Br-, I-). Practice predicting products based on the starting material, nucleophile, and reaction conditions.

2. Elimination Reactions

Here, a molecule loses two substituents, creating a double bond or a ring. There are two common mechanisms:

  • E1 (unimolecular): A leaving group departs first, forming a carbocation intermediate that then loses a proton to form the double bond.
  • E2 (bimolecular): A base removes a proton simultaneously as a leaving group departs, creating the double bond in one step.

MCAT Tip: Identify the conditions that favor E1 vs. E2 mechanisms (e.g., temperature, presence of a strong base). Memorize the regioselectivity rules for elimination reactions (e.g., Zaitsev’s rule).

3. Addition Reactions

Unlike eliminations, addition reactions involve forming new single bonds to an unsaturated molecule (containing a double or triple bond). Common examples include:

  • Addition of hydrogen halides (HX): HX adds across a double bond, following either Markovnikov’s rule (more substituted carbon gets the halogen) or anti-Markovnikov’s rule (depending on the reaction conditions).
  • Addition of water (hydration): Similar to the addition of HX, water adds across a double bond to form an alcohol.

MCAT Tip: Understand the difference between Markovnikov’s rule and anti-Markovnikov’s rule for the addition of HX. Recognize how the presence of catalysts can affect addition reactions.

4. Oxidation-Reduction Reactions

These reactions involve a transfer of electrons. A molecule is oxidized if it loses electrons (increases in oxidation state), while reduction involves gaining electrons (decreases in oxidation state). Common oxidizing agents include KMnO4 and CrO3 while reducing agents like LiAlH4 donate electrons.

MCAT Tip: Master assigning oxidation states to different atoms in organic molecules. Practice identifying oxidizing and reducing agents based on their ability to gain or lose electrons.

5. Mechanisms and Applications

Understanding the step-by-step process (mechanism) of each reaction type is crucial. MCAT problems might ask you to predict products based on mechanisms or identify the mechanism from starting materials and products.

Each reaction type has diverse applications in organic synthesis. For example, substitution reactions are used to create new pharmaceuticals, elimination reactions are employed in making polymers, and addition reactions are vital for creating biomolecules.

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Common Topics in MCAT Organic Chemistry

Organic chemistry on the MCAT extends beyond memorizing reaction types. Let’s explore some additional high-yield topics that will solidify your understanding and boost your MCAT performance.

1. Acids and Bases in Organic Chemistry

While Brønsted-Lowry theory reigns supreme, the MCAT might delve into Lewis acid-base concepts. Here, a Lewis acid accepts an electron pair, while a Lewis base donates one. Understanding how these concepts apply to organic functional groups (e.g., carbonyl groups acting as Lewis acids) is crucial.

MCAT Tip: Brush up on Lewis’s acid-base theory!  The MCAT might present scenarios where a seemingly neutral molecule acts as a Lewis acid due to an empty orbital. Be familiar with how functional groups can donate or accept electron pairs (e.g., amides as H-bond acceptors).

See Also: Brønsted–Lowry Definition of Acid, Base

2. Spectroscopy Techniques and Interpretation

The MCAT loves to test your ability to interpret data from spectroscopic techniques. Here are the big three:

  • Infrared (IR) spectroscopy: Identifies functional groups based on their characteristic bond vibrations.
  • Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy: Reveals the structure of a molecule by analyzing the magnetic environment of its protons and carbons.
  • Mass spectrometry (MS): Determines the molecular weight of a molecule and sometimes helps identify fragments.

MCAT Tip: Don’t be intimidated by fancy terms! Focus on recognizing functional group patterns in IR spectra (e.g., broad peak around 3300 cm-1 for O-H bonds). For NMR, understanding how chemical shift and splitting patterns help identify neighboring protons and carbons. Practice interpreting spectra and basic IR and NMR spectra with real MCAT-style questions.

See Also: NMR Spectroscopy – MCAT Content

3. Resonance and its Implications

Resonance allows you to depict a molecule with multiple valid Lewis structures. It helps explain the stability and reactivity of certain organic molecules. The MCAT might ask you to:

  • Draw resonance structures for a molecule.
  • Predict the most stable resonance form based on factors like charge distribution.
  • Explain how resonance affects the reactivity of a molecule.

MCAT Tip: Remember, resonance doesn’t create new atoms – it just shows different electron distributions within the same molecule. Focus on identifying formal charges and minimizing charge separation when drawing resonance structures. Use resonance to explain why certain molecules are more stable or reactive than others.

4. Kinetics: Rate Laws and Reaction Mechanisms

Kinetics focuses on the speed of reactions. The MCAT might present you with rate laws (expressions for reaction rates) and ask you to:

  • Determine the order of a reaction with respect to a specific reactant.
  • Explain the relationship between rate law and reaction mechanism (the step-by-step process).

Focus on understanding how reaction mechanisms influence rates – a key concept for the MCAT.

MCAT Tip: Rate laws can seem complex, but the MCAT often focuses on basic first-order or second-order kinetics. Understand how reactant concentrations affect reaction rates. The MCAT might present a reaction mechanism and ask you to predict the rate law based on the steps involved.

See Also: Kinetic Control Versus Thermodynamic Control Of A Reaction – MCAT Content

5. Thermodynamics: Gibbs Free Energy and Reaction Spontaneity

Gibbs free energy (ΔG) tells you whether a reaction is spontaneous (ΔG < 0) or non-spontaneous (ΔG > 0). The MCAT might ask you to:

  • Predict reaction spontaneity based on ΔG values.
  • Explain how factors like enthalpy (ΔH) and entropy (ΔS) influence ΔG.

MCAT Tip: Memorize the relationship between ΔG, ΔH, and ΔS (ΔG = ΔH – TΔS). While calculations are rare, understanding how these factors influence spontaneity is key. The MCAT might ask you to predict if a reaction is favored at high or low temperatures based on the signs of ΔH and ΔS.


MCAT Organic Chemistry: Top Study Strategies

Organic chemistry can feel like a daunting hurdle on the MCAT but fear not! With a focused and strategic approach, you can master this subject and elevate your MCAT performance. Here are some key study strategies to get you started:

Tip #1: Master Functional Groups

Think of functional groups as the Lego bricks of organic chemistry. These groups of atoms dictate the properties and reactivity of a molecule. Here’s how to ace functional groups:

  • Memorize the key players: Focus on common functional groups like alcohols, aldehydes, ketones, carboxylic acids, amines, and amides. Learn to recognize them by sight and understand their structures.
  • Go beyond memorization: Don’t just memorize names – understand the basic chemical properties associated with each functional group (e.g., polarity, acidity/basicity).
  • Practice makes perfect: Utilize flashcards, quizzes, or practice problems that test your ability to identify and classify functional groups.

See Also: Alcohols Description – MCAT Content


Tip #2: Understand Properties and Reactivity

Functional groups are the drama queens of organic chemistry – they determine how molecules react! Here’s how to understand their reactivity:

  • Reactivity patterns: Learn the typical reactions associated with each functional group. For example, alcohols can undergo dehydration reactions, while amines can be alkylated.
  • Predicting products: Practice predicting the products of reactions based on the starting materials and functional groups involved.
  • Mechanisms matter: While memorizing mechanisms isn’t always necessary, understanding the basic steps can significantly enhance your problem-solving abilities.

Tip #3: Experimental Techniques

The MCAT might present scenarios involving common laboratory techniques used in organic chemistry. Here’s what to know:

  • Basic techniques: Be familiar with concepts like distillation, extraction, and chromatography. Understand their purposes and applications.
  • Functional group connection: See how these techniques can be used to separate mixtures or purify compounds based on their functional group properties (e.g., using polarity differences in extraction).


MCAT Organic Chemistry: It’s All Connected!

Organic molecules are the building blocks of life! From carbohydrates and proteins to lipids and nucleic acids, understanding organic chemistry is essential for grasping biological processes.

  • Biological macromolecules: The MCAT loves to test your knowledge of macromolecular structure and function. Organic chemistry helps you understand the functional groups responsible for interactions between these molecules (e.g., hydrogen bonding in DNA).
  • Metabolism: Many metabolic pathways involve reactions you learned in organic chemistry (e.g., glycolysis involving addition and oxidation-reduction reactions).
  • Enzymes: Enzymes are biological catalysts – understanding organic chemistry allows you to see how functional groups within enzymes interact with substrates (the molecules they act on).

Applications in Other MCAT Sections

Organic chemistry knowledge isn’t confined to the Chemical and Physical Foundations of Biological Systems section. It pops up in other areas too:

  • Biological and Biochemical Foundations of Living Systems: Here, you might encounter questions about the structure and function of biomolecules, heavily reliant on organic chemistry principles.
  • Psychological, Social, and Biological Foundations of Behavior: Understanding organic chemistry can aid in comprehending topics like neurotransmitters (signaling molecules in the nervous system) and their structures.


MCAT Organic Chemistry: Resource Recommendations

Organic chemistry is a cornerstone of the MCAT’s Biological Sciences section. Having a strong foundation in this subject is essential for performing well on the exam. But don’t worry, aspiring future doctors! I’m here to guide you through a variety of resources that will propel you towards MCAT organic chemistry mastery.

Resources for In-Depth Learning

  • Jack Westin Courses and Tutoring: Jack Westin is a well-regarded name in MCAT prep, known for his engaging and effective teaching style. His courses and tutoring services provide comprehensive coverage of organic chemistry concepts, often incorporating high-yield mnemonics and problem-solving strategies specifically geared toward the MCAT.

Textbooks, Online Courses, and Practice Materials

Beyond Jack Westin’s offerings, there are numerous high-quality textbooks, online courses, and practice materials available to deepen your understanding of organic chemistry in the context of the MCAT. Here are a few suggestions to get you started:

  • Udemy MCAT Organic Chemistry Courses (variety of instructors and course formats)
  • MCAT Official Prep Online (from the AAMC, the creators of the MCAT) offers practice questions and section tests

Free MCAT Organic Chemistry Resources

While some fantastic resources require an investment, there are also excellent free options to supplement your studies:

  • Khan Academy MCAT Organic Chemistry: Khan Academy offers a comprehensive series of video lectures and practice problems, all completely free.
  • Organic Chemistry Tutor Youtube Channel: This Youtube channel offers hundreds of video lectures on organic chemistry topics, many of which are relevant to the MCAT.

Anki Decks and Spaced Repetition for Long-Term Retention:

Anki is a powerful flashcard application that utilizes spaced repetition, a scientifically proven method to enhance long-term memory. Here are some popular Anki decks specifically designed for MCAT organic chemistry:

  • Miledown MCAT Organic Chemistry Deck: A comprehensive deck encompassing a wide range of MCAT organic chemistry topics.
  • Orgo Destroyer Anki Deck: This deck focuses on challenging problems to help you solidify your understanding of complex concepts.



In this comprehensive guide, we have embarked on a journey through the captivating world of MCAT Organic Chemistry. We explored the core concepts that form the foundation of this subject, including molecular structure, bonding, functional groups, stereochemistry, and reaction mechanisms.

Remember, organic chemistry is an integral part of the MCAT’s Biological Sciences section. Mastering this subject isn’t just about memorizing facts; it’s about cultivating a deep understanding of how these concepts intertwine with the broader field of biology.

This guide wouldn’t be complete without emphasizing the importance of continued exploration and practice. Utilize the vast array of resources available, from textbooks and online courses to practice problems and MCAT prep programs like Jack Westin’s Complete MCAT Course. 

With dedication and a strategic approach, you can conquer MCAT Organic Chemistry and confidently embark on your journey to becoming a doctor.

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