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Blog / MCAT Rna All You Need To Know

MCAT RNA: All You Need to Know

Written by Seza on Apr 16, 2024

MCAT RNA: All You Need to Know

As you gear up for the MCAT, one thing’s for certain: understanding DNA and RNA is essential. With introductory biochemistry contributing a hefty 25% to both the Biological and Biochemical Foundations of Living Systems and the Chemical and Physical Foundations of Biological Systems sections, ensuring a solid grasp of RNA concepts is paramount. 

We’re here to guide you through it all, including high-yield terms and passage-based questions tailored to RNA. Plus, with practice questions readily available for MCAT Biology, focusing on DNA and RNA sequencing, you’ll be well-equipped to tackle any RNA-related challenges that come your way. Let’s dive in and master MCAT RNA together!

Understanding RNA: Types and Functions

RNA, or Ribonucleic Acid, is a crucial molecule in cellular biology, playing several roles in the process of gene expression and protein synthesis. There are three main types of RNA: mRNA (messenger RNA), tRNA (transfer RNA), and rRNA (ribosomal RNA). Each type has a unique structure and function.

mRNA (Messenger RNA)

mRNA transcription is a key topic for the MCAT. In the process of transcription, the DNA sequence of a gene is copied into mRNA. This process occurs in the nucleus of the cell. The mRNA molecule then carries this genetic information from the DNA to the ribosomes, the sites of protein synthesis in the cell. This is known as the ‘Central Dogma’ of molecular biology: DNA -> RNA -> Protein.

tRNA (Transfer RNA)

The role of tRNA in protein synthesis is to act as an adaptor molecule. It reads the sequence of the mRNA in a process called translation and adds specific amino acids to the growing polypeptide chain, thereby synthesizing a protein. 

Each tRNA molecule has an anticodon region that can base pair with the corresponding codon on the mRNA. At the other end of the tRNA is a site for amino acid attachment, allowing it to carry the correct amino acid into the ribosome for incorporation into the protein.

rRNA (Ribosomal RNA)

rRNA’s structure and function are also essential for the MCAT. rRNA, along with proteins, makes up the ribosomes, which are the sites of protein synthesis. The rRNA molecules provide a mechanism for decoding the mRNA into amino acids and interact with the tRNAs during translation, playing a crucial role in its catalytic activities.

See Also: Messenger RNA Mrna – Genetic Code


High-Yield Terms of MCAT RNA Questions

Types of RNA

  • Messenger RNA (mRNA): Carries genetic information from DNA to ribosomes for protein synthesis. (Image of Messenger RNA (mRNA) structure)
  • Ribosomal RNA (rRNA): Forms the core of ribosomes and catalyzes protein synthesis. (Image of Ribosomal RNA (rRNA) structure)
  • Transfer RNA (tRNA): Delivers specific amino acids to ribosomes based on the mRNA codons. (Image of Transfer RNA (tRNA) structure)
  • Small nuclear RNA (snRNA): Involved in pre-mRNA splicing and other nuclear processes.
  • MicroRNA (miRNA): Regulates gene expression by post-transcriptional silencing.


Structure and Function

  • Central dogma: The flow of genetic information from DNA to RNA to protein.
  • Transcription: Synthesis of RNA from DNA by RNA polymerase.
  • Promoter: DNA sequence where RNA polymerase binds to initiate transcription.
  • Exon: Coding regions of a gene present in mature mRNA.
  • Intron: Non-coding regions of a gene removed during splicing.
  • Splicing: Removal of introns and joining of exons in pre-mRNA to form mature mRNA.
  • Capping: Addition of a modified guanine nucleotide to the 5′ end of mRNA for stability.
  • Polyadenylation: Addition of a poly(A) tail to the 3′ end of mRNA for stability and translation.
  • Translation: Synthesis of protein from mRNA by ribosomes and tRNAs.
  • Genetic code: The triplet code that translates mRNA codons into amino acids.
  • Anticodon: Three-nucleotide sequence on tRNA that recognizes complementary codons on mRNA.
  • Ribosome: Cellular machinery responsible for protein synthesis.
  • Polysome: Multiple ribosomes translating the same mRNA molecule simultaneously.


  • Operons: Groups of genes regulated together in bacteria.
  • Alternative splicing: Different mRNA isoforms produced from the same gene by varying exon-intron splicing patterns.
  • RNA interference (RNAi): Silencing of gene expression using small RNA molecules.


  • Point mutations: Single nucleotide changes in RNA that can affect protein function.
  • Insertions/deletions: Addition or removal of nucleotides in RNA, potentially causing frameshift mutations and altered proteins.

See Also: Roles Of mRNA, tRNA, rRNa – Translation


MCAT RNA Example Questions

Question 1

Which of the following best describes the structure of DNA?

  • A. Single-stranded, parallel
  • B. Double-stranded, parallel
  • C. Single-stranded, antiparallel
  • D. Double-stranded, antiparallel

Answer: D. Double-stranded, antiparallel. DNA is a double-stranded molecule with two strands running in opposite directions, hence the term ‘antiparallel’. This structure is crucial for the replication and transcription processes.


Question 2

During DNA replication, which enzyme is responsible for unwinding the double helix?

  • A. DNA polymerase
  • B. Helicase
  • C. Ligase
  • D. Primase

Answer: B. Helicase. The helicase enzyme unwinds the DNA double helix by breaking the hydrogen bonds between the base pairs. This allows other enzymes to access the DNA strands for replication.


Question 3 

In a DNA molecule, if 20% of the bases are adenine (A), what percentage of the bases are guanine (G)?

  • A. 20%
  • B. 30%
  • C. 40%
  • D. 50%

Answer: B. 30%. According to Chargaff’s rules, the amount of adenine (A) equals the amount of thymine (T), and the amount of cytosine (C) equals the amount of guanine (G). So if A is 20%, T is also 20%, leaving 60% for C and G combined. Therefore, G must be 30%.

Question 4

Which of the following best describes the function of topoisomerases in DNA replication?

  • A. They add new nucleotides to the growing DNA strand.
  • B. They unwind the DNA double helix.
  • C. They relieve strain in the DNA molecule caused by unwinding.
  • D. They join Okazaki fragments together.

Answer: C. They relieve strain in the DNA molecule caused by unwinding. Topoisomerases cut one or both DNA strands to relieve the tension caused by the unwinding of the double helix during replication.

Question 5

Which of the following statements about DNA replication is false?

  • A. DNA replication is semi-conservative.
  • B. The leading strand is synthesized continuously.
  • C. The lagging strand is synthesized in a 3’ to 5’ direction.
  • D. Okazaki fragments are found on the lagging strand.

Answer: C. The lagging strand is synthesized in a 3’ to 5’ direction. This statement is false. Both the leading and lagging strands are synthesized in a 5’ to 3’ direction. However, the lagging strand is synthesized discontinuously in short segments known as Okazaki fragments.


Question 6

A researcher is studying a newly discovered organism and isolates its DNA. Upon analysis, they find that the GC content is 60%. Which of the following is the MOST LIKELY true statement about the DNA of this organism?

(a) It has equal amounts of adenine and guanine. 

(b) It has more guanine than cytosine. 

(c) It has more pyrimidines than purines. 

(d) It has a higher melting temperature than DNA with 50% GC content.

Answer: (a) Incorrect. While adenine pairs with thymine and guanine pairs with cytosine, the given information only tells us about the ratio of G+C to A+T, not the individual nucleotide proportions. 

(b) Inorrect. Since G + C = 60%, G and C must collectively be more abundant than A and T (40%). 

(c) Incorrect. Pyrimidines include thymine and cytosine, while purines include adenine and guanine. With 60% GC content, the organism has more purines than pyrimidines. 

(d) Correct. Melting temperature is generally higher for DNA with higher GC content due to the stronger hydrogen bonds between guanine and cytosine. However, the question asks for the MOST LIKELY statement, and other factors like sequence length and base stacking can also influence melting temperature.

Note: Use the knowledge of complementary base pairing and GC content calculation to make inferences about the relative abundance of different nucleotides.

See Also: Role Of Non Coding RNAs – Control Of Gene Expression In Eukaryotes


Question 7

A DNA molecule is 2000 base pairs long. If it contains 400 guanine nucleotides, how many thymine nucleotides does it have?

(a) 200 

(b) 400 

(c) 600 

(d) 800

Answer: C is the correct answer; 

400 G = 400 C–> 800 GC and 1200 AT—> that would mean there is 600 AT

A + T = 2000 – G – C = 2000 – 400 – 400 = 1200.

A = T –> T = 1200/2 = 600

Note: Apply the Chargaff’s rules for complementary base pairing and use algebraic reasoning to solve for the unknown nucleotide number.

Question 8

During DNA replication, an error occurs when thymine is incorporated instead of guanine. What type of mutation is this?

(a) Transition 

(b) Transversion 

(c) Frameshift 

(d) Missense

Answer:B is the correct answer answer. A transversion is a type of mutation that involves changing a purine to a pyrimidine or vice versa, while a transition involves changing a purine to another purine or a pyrimidine to another pyrimidine.

Note: Understand the different types of mutations (transition, transversion, frameshift, missense) and identify the change in base type and pairing to categorize the mutation.

Question 9

A geneticist sequences a DNA segment and identifies a three-nucleotide deletion. How will this deletion MOST LIKELY affect the encoded protein?

(a) No change, as the deletion is silent. 

(b) A single amino acid deletion. 

(c) A frameshift mutation leading to a completely different protein. 

(d) No effect, as the deletion occurs in a non-coding region.

Answer: A three-nucleotide deletion that does not disrupt the reading frame will typically result in the deletion of a single amino acid, not a frameshift mutationNote: Consider the reading frame and how deletions (or insertions) of nucleotides can disrupt it, leading to frameshift mutations and altered protein sequences.

See Also: Central Dogma DNA RNA Protein – Genetic Code


Question 10

A researcher is studying a gene associated with a genetic disease. They sequence the gene in affected individuals and identify a single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) within the coding region. The SNP changes a guanine (G) to an adenine (A). How can this SNP MOST LIKELY affect the protein encoded by the gene?


(a) It has no effect, as the amino acid coded by both G and A is the same. 

(b) It causes a missense mutation, leading to a single amino acid substitution in the protein. 

(c) It creates a stop codon, resulting in a truncated protein. 

(d) It disrupts splicing, preventing the formation of a mature mRNA transcript.


(a) Incorrect. While some codons can code for the same amino acid (degeneracy), this doesn’t guarantee the SNP won’t have an effect.

(b) Correct. Changing G to A can alter the codon, leading to a different amino acid being incorporated into the protein at that position. This is called a missense mutation. 

(c) Incorrect. While some SNPs can create stop codons, it depends on the specific change and surrounding nucleotides. Without knowing the original codon and the new codon created by the SNP, we can’t confirm a stop codon formation. 

(d) Incorrect. While SNPs in splicing sites can affect splicing, this question specifically mentions the SNP being within the coding region.

Note: Understand the relationship between DNA sequence, codons, and amino acids. Analyze the specific change caused by the SNP and its potential consequences on the protein structure and function.

Transcription: From DNA to RNA

Transcription is a fundamental process in biology where the genetic information in DNA is copied into RNA. This process is crucial for the MCAT, especially in the MCAT Biochemistry review: Transcription and Translation section. It involves three main stages: initiation, elongation, and termination.


Transcription begins with the initiation stage. The enzyme RNA polymerase binds to a specific sequence on the DNA known as the promoter. The promoter region signals the start of the gene to be transcribed. Once RNA polymerase binds to the promoter, it causes the DNA strands to unwind, creating a transcription bubble.


The next stage is elongation. RNA polymerase moves along the DNA template strand, synthesizing an mRNA strand in the 5’ to 3’ direction. As RNA polymerase moves along the DNA, it continues to unwind the DNA in front of it and rewinds the DNA behind it.


The final stage is termination. This occurs when RNA polymerase reaches a sequence on the DNA known as the terminator. Upon reaching the terminator sequence, RNA polymerase detaches from the DNA, and the newly synthesized mRNA molecule is released.

The function of RNA polymerase in transcription is to synthesize RNA from a DNA template. It plays a crucial role in both the initiation and elongation stages of transcription. The significance of promoters and terminators is that they define the beginning and end of the transcription process, respectively.

See Also: Mechanism Of Transcription – Transcription


RNA Processing: Modifying mRNA

RNA processing is a critical step in gene expression where the primary transcript of mRNA (pre-mRNA) undergoes several modifications before it is ready for translation. 

This topic is essential for the MCAT, and you may encounter MCAT practice questions on RNA processing. The main post-transcriptional modifications include capping, splicing, and polyadenylation.


The 5’ end of the pre-mRNA molecule is modified by the addition of a cap, which is a modified guanine nucleotide. This cap protects the mRNA from degradation, aids in export from the nucleus, and is involved in initiating translation.


Splicing involves the removal of introns (non-coding regions) and the ligation of exons (coding regions) to produce a continuous coding sequence. This process is carried out by the spliceosome, a complex of proteins and small nuclear RNAs (snRNAs). 

Alternative splicing can result in different mRNAs being produced from the same gene, increasing the diversity of proteins that a single gene can produce.


At the 3’ end of the pre-mRNA, a poly-A tail consisting of multiple adenine nucleotides is added. This tail protects the mRNA from degradation, aids in the export of the mRNA from the nucleus, and plays a role in translation initiation.

The modifications made during RNA processing are crucial for the stability, transport, and translation of mRNA. The cap and poly-A tail protect the mRNA molecule from degradation, allowing it to exist longer in the cell and increasing the chances of it being translated into a protein. 

These modifications also enable the mRNA to be exported from the nucleus to the cytoplasm, where the ribosomes can translate it into a protein. The cap and poly-A tail also play roles in initiating translation, the process of synthesizing a protein based on the information in the mRNA.


Structure and Function of RNA

RNA molecules, unlike DNA, are single-stranded but can fold into complex secondary and tertiary structures

Secondary Structure

The secondary structure of RNA refers to the local spatial arrangement of its backbone constituents, resulting from hydrogen bonding within the molecule. This can lead to the formation of structures such as hairpin loops, bulges, and internal loops. 

The most common secondary structure in RNA is the stem-loop or hairpin, where the RNA strand loops back on itself and forms a double helix stem from Watson-Crick base pairing.

Tertiary Structure

The tertiary structure of RNA refers to its three-dimensional shape, which is formed by further folding of the secondary structures. This folding is driven by a variety of forces, including hydrogen bonding, base stacking, and interactions with ions and other molecules. The tertiary structure is crucial for the function of many RNAs.

RNA Structure and Function

The structure of RNA is closely tied to its function. For example, ribosomal RNA (rRNA) forms the core of the ribosome’s structure and catalyzes peptide bond formation, a role typically played by proteins. This is an example of RNA catalysis.

Transfer RNA (tRNA) has a cloverleaf secondary structure and L-shaped tertiary structure, allowing it to deliver specific amino acids to the growing polypeptide chain during translation. This is an example of molecular recognition.

Some RNA molecules can act as switches that turn genes on or off in response to cellular signals. These RNAs change their structure upon binding to small molecules or proteins, thereby controlling gene expression. This is an example of RNA regulation.


Gene Expression Regulation by RNA

RNA plays a significant role in the regulation of gene expression. This is a key topic in the MCAT Genetics review: Role of RNA in gene expression. Non-coding RNAs, which do not code for proteins, are particularly important in this regard. Let’s discuss some of these non-coding RNAs and their roles in gene regulation.

Non-coding RNAs


MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are small non-coding RNAs that regulate gene expression post-transcriptionally. They bind to complementary sequences on target mRNA transcripts, usually resulting in gene silencing through translational repression or target degradation.


Small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) are another type of small non-coding RNAs. Like miRNAs, siRNAs can bind to mRNA molecules and prevent them from being translated into protein. However, siRNAs are often more specific than miRNAs and can target specific mRNA molecules for degradation.


Riboswitches are sequences in the mRNA molecules themselves that bind small metabolites and can change shape in response, affecting the mRNA’s own transcription or translation.

Transcriptional and Post-transcriptional Control

Transcriptional control involves regulating the process of transcription itself, determining when and how often a gene is transcribed into mRNA. This can involve non-coding RNAs like certain long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) that can interact with transcription factors and the transcription machinery to upregulate or downregulate transcription.

Post-transcriptional control involves regulating the processes that occur after transcription, such as splicing, mRNA export, mRNA stability, and translation. This is where miRNAs and siRNAs play a significant role, binding to mRNAs and preventing their translation into protein.

See Also: Analyzing Gene Expression – Recombinant Dna And Biotechnology


RNA Interference (RNAi) and Its Applications

RNA Interference (RNAi) is a biological process where RNA molecules inhibit gene expression, typically by causing the destruction of specific mRNA molecules. It’s a key concept to understand for the MCAT and is often included in MCAT flashcards for key RNA functions.

Mechanism of RNAi

The RNAi process begins with the introduction of double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) into the cell. This dsRNA is then processed into small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) by an enzyme called Dicer. These siRNAs are incorporated into the RNA-induced silencing complex (RISC). 

Within the RISC, the siRNA unwinds, and one strand (the guide strand) remains bound to the RISC. This guide strand then pairs with its complementary sequence in the mRNA molecule. 

Once bound, an enzyme in the RISC, called Argonaute, cleaves the mRNA, thereby preventing it from being translated into protein.

Applications of RNAi

Gene Silencing

RNAi is a powerful tool for silencing specific genes. By designing siRNAs that match the mRNA of the gene of interest, researchers can effectively turn off or “knock down” that gene, allowing them to study its function.

Functional Genomics

In functional genomics, RNAi is used to study the function of many genes simultaneously. By knocking down each gene in a cell one by one, researchers can build a profile of each gene’s function.


RNAi has potential therapeutic applications. For example, if a particular gene is known to contribute to a disease, RNAi could be used to reduce or eliminate the expression of that gene. This approach is being explored in the treatment of various diseases, including cancer and viral infections.


Clinical Relevance of RNA


In cancer, changes in the expression levels of certain RNAs can drive the uncontrolled cell growth that characterizes the disease. For example, overexpression of certain microRNAs (miRNAs) can promote cancer by downregulating tumor suppressor genes.

Genetic Disorders

Certain genetic disorders are caused by mutations that affect RNA molecules. For example, some forms of muscular dystrophy are caused by mutations in RNA splicing factors, leading to incorrectly spliced mRNAs.

Viral Infections

Many viruses, including HIV and SARS-CoV-2 (the virus that causes COVID-19), are RNA viruses. These viruses replicate by reverse transcription, a process that involves the synthesis of DNA from an RNA template.



In conclusion, this comprehensive guide has equipped you with a solid understanding of MCAT RNA essentials. From deciphering the intricacies of RNA structure to unraveling the roles of mRNA, tRNA, rRNA, and snRNA, you’ve gained crucial insights. 

Remember, the MCAT places significant emphasis on introductory biochemistry, constituting a quarter of both the Biological and Biochemical Foundations and Chemical and Physical Foundations sections.

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