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Blog / Thank You Letter Examples After A Medical School Interview

Thank You Letter Examples After a Medical School Interview

Written by Seza on Apr 12, 2024

Thank You Letter Examples After a Medical School Interview

Have you ever wondered if a single email could significantly boost your chances of landing your dream medical school seat? While acing the MCAT and crafting a stellar personal statement is crucial, a powerful tool often gets overlooked: the thank you letter. Forget a formality: sending a thank you letter can be your secret weapon, showcasing your professionalism, reigniting your passion, and leaving a lasting impression that sets you apart from the competition. 

Let’s get started!


What Is a Thank You Letter?

A Thank You Letter is a formal written communication to express gratitude towards an individual or an organization. It is a courteous way of acknowledging a favor, an opportunity, or a kind gesture that has been extended to you.

In the context of the medical school application process, applicants typically send a thank you letter to the interviewers, admissions committee members, or any other individuals who have played a significant role in their application process. The purpose of this letter is to show appreciation for their time and effort and to leave a lasting positive impression.

The importance of a thank you letter in the medical school application process should not be underestimated. Here are a few reasons why:

  1. Professionalism: Sending a Thank You Letter demonstrates professionalism and good manners, traits that are highly valued in the medical profession.
  2. Personal Touch: It adds a personal touch to your application, helping you stand out in the minds of the admissions committee.
  3. Reiteration of Interest: It provides an opportunity to reiterate your interest in the program and your commitment to the field of medicine.
  4. Lasting Impression: It leaves a positive lasting impression, potentially influencing decisions in closely contested admissions.

Read More: Letter of Interest & Letter of Intent Medical School Questions Answered

When to Send a Thank You Letter?

The optimal time to send a Thank You Letter is within 24 to 48 hours after your medical school interview. This timeframe is ideal because:

  1. Fresh Impressions: Your interview experience is still fresh in your mind, allowing you to write a more genuine and detailed letter.
  2. Prompt Acknowledgement: This shows prompt acknowledgment of the interviewers’ time and effort in meeting with you.

A prompt follow-up with a Thank You Letter is important for several reasons:

  1. Professionalism: It demonstrates professionalism and good organizational skills, traits that are highly valued in the medical profession.
  2. Memorability: It helps you stay memorable in the minds of the interviewers and admissions committee members.
  3. Courtesy: It’s a courteous gesture that shows your appreciation for the opportunity to interview.
  4. Interest Reiteration: It provides another opportunity to reiterate your interest in the program and your commitment to the field of medicine.


How Long Should My Thank You Letter Be?

The ideal length for a Thank You Letter after a medical school interview is typically one page. This is roughly equivalent to about 3-4 paragraphs or 200-300 words. This length is long enough to express your gratitude and reiterate your interest, but short enough to be easily read by busy admissions committee members.

When writing a Thank You Letter, it’s important to balance conciseness and detail. Here are some tips:

  1. Be Concise: Keep your sentences and paragraphs short and to the point. Avoid unnecessary fluff and filler words.
  2. Be Specific: Include specific details about your interview experience, such as a memorable conversation or a unique aspect of the program that you appreciated. This shows that you were attentive and engaged during the interview.
  3. Be Genuine: Express your gratitude sincerely. Avoid overly formal or clichéd expressions of thanks.
  4. Be Professional: Maintain a professional tone throughout the letter. Remember, this is a formal communication with the admissions committee.

Read More: 6 Things You Need to Know About Medical School Recommendation Letters


Which One Is Better: Email or Handwritten Letter?

Email Thank You Letters


  1. Speed: Emails are delivered instantly, allowing you to send your thank you note promptly after your interview.
  2. Convenience: Emails can be sent at any time and from anywhere.
  3. Professionalism: Emails are a standard form of professional communication.


  1. Less Personal: Emails can feel less personal compared to handwritten letters.
  2. Risk of Spam: There’s a small risk that your email might end up in the recipient’s spam folder.

Handwritten Thank You Letters


  1. Personal Touch: Handwritten letters add a personal touch and show extra effort.
  2. Memorable: Handwritten letters are less common and can stand out.


  1. Time-Consuming: Writing and mailing a letter takes more time.
  2. Delay in Delivery: Postal mail can take several days to reach the recipient.

Which Format is Preferred for Medical School Interviews?

The preferred format can vary depending on the specific circumstances and the preferences of the medical school. However, in today’s digital age, email is generally the preferred method for sending Thank You Letters after medical school interviews. It’s quick, and efficient, and ensures that your message will reach the recipient on time and also be mindful of when they send an email.

That being said, it’s important to follow any specific instructions given by the medical school. If they express a preference for handwritten letters, then that’s the format you should use. When in doubt, it’s always a good idea to ask.


Structure of a Thank You Letter

A well-structured Thank You Letter typically consists of three main parts: the Introduction, the Body, and the Conclusion.

Introduction: Greetings and Gratitude

The Introduction should start with a formal greeting addressed to the recipient. This is followed by a brief expression of your gratitude for the opportunity to interview or for their assistance during your application process.


Dear Dr. [Interviewer’s Name],

I am writing to express my sincere gratitude for the opportunity to interview at [Med School’s Name].

Body: Personalized Content and References

The Body of the letter should contain personalized content that references specific aspects of your interview or application process. This could include memorable conversations, unique aspects of the program that you appreciated, or ways in which the interview experience affirmed your interest in the program.


During our conversation, I was particularly impressed by the emphasis [Med School’s Name] places on community outreach. Your personal experiences with the Community Health Initiative resonated with my own aspirations to serve underserved populations.

Conclusion: Reiteration of Interest and Appreciation

The Conclusion should reiterate your interest in the program and your appreciation for the time and effort the recipient has invested in your application process. It’s also a good place to express your hope for future communication.


I am very interested in [Med School’s Name] and believe it would be an excellent fit for my career goals. Thank you once again for your time and consideration. I look forward to the possibility of contributing to your esteemed institution.


[Your Name]


Thank You Letter Examples

Example 1: Highlighting Specific Conversation Points

Dear Dr. Patel,

Thank you very much for taking the time to interview me yesterday. I truly enjoyed learning more about your experiences in pediatric cardiology and the exciting work being done at USCF on developing new surgical techniques for congenital heart defects.

During our conversation, your passion for improving outcomes for children with heart conditions was truly inspiring. It resonated deeply with my own desire to pursue a career in pediatric surgery and make a positive impact on young patients’ lives. This further solidified my interest in USCF and its commitment to cutting-edge research and innovation in pediatric medicine.

I am confident that USCF would provide the ideal environment for me to develop my skills in pediatric surgery and contribute to advancements in the field. Thank you again for your time and consideration.

Tip: Personalize the letter with a warm introduction referencing the interviewer and a specific detail from the interview. Highlight the specific topic you’re referencing throughout the body paragraph.

Note: Briefly mention how the conversation aligns with your goals and interests, then conclude by reiterating your enthusiasm for the school.


Example 2: Demonstrating Continued Interest and Contribution

Dear Ms. Johnson,

Thank you for the opportunity to interview with you on [Date] and learn more about the vibrant student life at USCF. I was particularly impressed by the school’s commitment to social justice and community outreach programs.

My experience in volunteering at a free clinic has been incredibly rewarding. I believe the skills and knowledge I’ve gained would allow me to contribute significantly to these programs and help ensure underserved communities have access to quality healthcare.

USCF would be an excellent fit for me, not only for its strong academic reputation but also for its dedication to fostering a socially responsible student body. Thank you again for your time and consideration.

Tip: Open with a sincere thank you and mention a specific detail about the interview day. Highlight both the program at the school and your relevant experience in the body paragraph.

Note: Express how your experience aligns with the program and how you can contribute to the school community. Conclude by reiterating your interest.


Example 3: Expressing Gratitude and Following Up (if appropriate)

Dear Admissions Committee,

Thank you for hosting a thorough and informative interview day. I was particularly impressed by the beautiful campus and the friendly atmosphere at USCF.

In particular, I enjoyed learning more about the opportunities for interdisciplinary research. The chance to collaborate with faculty and students from different backgrounds on projects like exploring the intersection of artificial intelligence and personalized medicine aligns perfectly with my research interests in Xenotransplantation.

If there are any upcoming research symposiums or lectures focused on interdisciplinary approaches to healthcare, I would be grateful for the opportunity to learn more. Thank you again for your time and consideration.

Tip: Open with a general thank you and mention a positive detail about the interview day. Highlight the specific element that piqued your interest in the body paragraph.

Note: Express appreciation for the overall experience and highlight a specific area of interest. Only ask a follow-up question if relevant and there’s a way to learn more (e.g., upcoming event). Conclude by thanking them again.


Tips for Writing the Best Thank You Letter


  1. Proofread: Always proofread your letter for spelling and grammatical errors.
  2. Be Professional: Use a professional tone and language throughout the letter.
  3. Personalize: Address the recipient by their name and reference specific details from your interaction.


  1. Don’t Be Generic: Avoid generic phrases and clichés. Make your letter unique and personal.
  2. Don’t Be Too Casual: Remember, this is a formal communication. Avoid using slang or overly casual language.

Personalization Strategies for Maximum Impact

  1. Reference Specific Details: Mention specific details from your interview or interaction. This shows that you were attentive and engaged.
  2. Express Genuine Gratitude: Be sincere in your expression of gratitude. Authenticity goes a long way in making your letter impactful.

Common Concerns and Questions

If you have any concerns or questions about the program or the application process, it’s best to address these in a separate communication. Your Thank You Letter should focus on expressing your gratitude and reinforcing your interest in the program.

Express Gratitude and Appreciation Effectively

Express your gratitude in a genuine and heartfelt manner. Be specific about what you are thankful for. For example, instead of simply saying “Thank you for the interview”, you could say “Thank you for taking the time to discuss the unique aspects of your program and how they align with my career goals”.

Specific Conversation Points

Referencing specific conversation points from your interview can make your letter more personal and memorable. For example, “I particularly enjoyed our discussion about the community outreach initiatives at your institution”.

Continued Interest in the Program

Reiterate your interest in the program towards the end of your letter. This not only reinforces your enthusiasm for the program but also improves engagement.

Remember, a well-crafted Thank You Letter can leave a positive impression and set you apart in the highly competitive medical school application process. So, take the time to write a thoughtful and well-structured letter.

Can I Use ChatGPT to Write a Thank You Letter?

When it comes to writing a Thank You Letter after a medical school interview, authenticity, and personal touch are of utmost importance. The letter should reflect your genuine appreciation and unique experiences. Therefore, it is highly recommended that you write the letter on your own to ensure it truly represents your voice and sentiments.

However, if you’re dealing with writer’s block or need some inspiration, AI tools like Google Gemini or ChatGPT can be helpful. They can provide you with ideas, structure, and phrasing that you can use as a starting point. But remember, these should only serve as a guide or inspiration.

Avoid using AI tools to write the entire letter. These tools may generate text that can be identified as artificial.  If this happens, it could hurt your application and how you are seen.  In fact, it’s highly recommended to skip a thank you letter entirely than risk sending one that is not your own words.

While AI tools can provide valuable inspiration and guidance, the actual writing should be your own, reflecting your personal experiences and genuine appreciation. This will ensure your Thank You Letter is authentic, humane, and leaves a positive impression.



Recap of Key Points

  • A well-written thank you letter can significantly strengthen your medical school application.
  • It demonstrates professionalism, reiterates your interest, and leaves a positive lasting impression.
  • Aim for a concise letter (3-4 paragraphs) with genuine gratitude and specific details.

Sending a thank you letter after your medical school interview is more than just good manners. It’s a strategic opportunity to:

  • Showcase Professionalism: A well-written letter demonstrates your communication skills and attention to detail, essential qualities for future physicians.
  • Reiterate Your Interest: Reinforce your enthusiasm for the specific medical school and its programs.
  • Leave a Lasting Impression: A thoughtful and personalized letter can set you apart from other applicants and linger positively in the minds of interviewers.

Pro Tips for Maximum Impact:

  • Proofread meticulously! Typos and grammatical errors can leave a negative impression.
  • Be genuine. Express your gratitude sincerely.
  • Personalize your letter. Reference specific details and conversations.
  • Keep it concise. Aim for 3-4 well-structured sentences per paragraph.
  • Send promptly. Ideally within 24 hours of the interview.
  • Reference Specifics: Mention details from your interview to show you were engaged.
  • Express Genuine Appreciation: Be sincere and heartfelt in your thanks.
  • Highlight Continued Interest: Reiterate your enthusiasm for the program at the end.

Jack Westin: Your Pre-Med Ally

For more guidance on the medical school application process, tune into Jack Westin’s podcast for pre-meds. Gain valuable insights and strategies to optimize your application and increase your chances of success.

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