How do the Khan Academy passages compare to the Jack Westin passages?

The AAMC (the organization that makes the official MCAT) colloborated with to release practice content and preparation for all students for free. However, their practice passages are not created by the AAMC. To our knowledge, these passages were created by the non-profit without the AAMC's involvement. Therefore these passages are not necessarily perfect representations of the actual MCAT.

The only perfect representation is the practice material sold on the AAMC website. You must and should absolutely purchase and practice off of that material. The Khan Academy passages are good for additional practice.

Most students want additional practice that is very similar or nearly identical to what will be found on the AAMC website. We created content that we believe identically matches with what the AAMC produces or sells on their website. We have done this by carefully analyzing all of the AAMC passages available and found trends and patterns as to how they ask questions and present information. 

We have a very talented team of individuals with the goal of making content that matches the AAMC in every possible way.

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